Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Critique 3 peer reviewed literature review nursing journals Essay - 1
Critique 3 peer reviewed literature review nursing journals - Essay Example arch focuses on the topic: For patients in a home setting with wounds, does use of tap water to cleanse wound affect rate of infection and healing compared to use of normal saline to cleanse wounds in a month period. Riting Fernandez (2004) espoused that potable tap water is a good alternative for cleaning wounds in the home environment, based on clinical home trials. Likewise, the same research shows that the use of saline solutions that include Povidine Iodine solutions is an effective cleansing solution for contaminated wounds. The literature review reveals an obvious gap in knowledge or a conflict in what is currently known. The literature shows that there is confusion as to which is a better wound cleansing alternative in the home environment, in terms of the use of tap water or saline solutions. The literature review strongly supports the hypotheses or research question. The literature indicates that more research will increase current nursing assessment knowledge. The three journal literatures emphasize the effectiveness of the two wound cleansing alternatives. The three journals offer convincing evidences to affirm their wound cleanings findings. The literature shows different researches on the topic. The research literature shows that the additional literature is indeed to update the current nursing assessment knowledge on wound cleansing. Additional literature delves on supporting tap water and saline solutions to clean wounds. Nursing skills research also shows that the nurses must incorporate additional knowledge on other wound cleansing methods. The overall value in the literature review. The overall value of the literature in developing the knowledge database to implement the research equates to ensuring the correct acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis. Lack to research material may wrongly create a false rejection of the hypothesis. In the same light, the lackluster gathering of literature may trigger the wrong acceptance of the right
Monday, October 28, 2019
History of Marco Polo
History of Marco Polo The Travels of Marco Polo MarcoPolo was born in 1254 when Italy was split into fighting city states. Thirteenth century Europe saw a huge increase in geographical knowledge and anincrease in trade with the Far East and Western Europe. One country that had the Europeans fascinated was China and they all wanted to establish trade andtravel there. Contact with the Far East was established by such men as Giovanni da Pian del Carpini and William of Rubrouck who were sent by Louis IX of France, which happened before the Tartar conquest of Asia Minor and the beginning of Tartar embassies in the West by the late thirteenth century. Routes of trade and opportunities that existed during Roman rule were reopened. Niccolo Polo and Maffeo Polo, the father and uncle of young Marco Polo, left him behind and set off for an epic journey eastward towards the court of the khan of the Pipchak Tartars at Serai. The brothers Niccolo and Maffeo stayed there for over a year while collecting asignificant profit. The brothers decided to return to Venice, but they found that their path was cut off by local wars. So the brothers made the decision to go to the great khan of China. They arrived in Beijing and were received very graciously by the great khan. After doing business there, the khan wanted toknow about the Christian life and told them to go b ack to Venice to see the Pope and return with Christian missionaries for the education of the royal court. The great khan also wanted them to return through Jerusalem with Holy Oil from the lamp which was kept burning over the Sepulchre of our Lord Jesus Christ. To help their journey, the brothers were given the service of a Tartar guide and anything they needed in Tartar territory. Aftera long and treacherous journey on land to Venice, Niccolo and Maffeo made it in1268 and found that Pope Clement IV had recently died and no successor had been elected. Gregory X was elected the new Pope, and in 1271, Maffeo and Niccolo managed to secure the services of two inept Dominicans who would soon decide to desert the mission. The Polos went back to Beijing anyway, this time taking with them Marco, the teenage son of Niccolo Polo, who would become one of the most traveled people in the world. Marco, his father Niccolo, and his uncle Maffeo began their journey by sea to Acre in 1271. They arrived at the mouth of the Persian Gulf and decided to not travel by sea but to turn north and follow the ancient caravan routes through Iraq and Persia. The Polos went through Turkmenistan and Persia until they hit the Oxus River (now called the Amu Darya). They traveled across the plain of Pamir and crossed the desolate Gobi Desert where they then made it to the mercantile cities of Samarqand, Yarkant (Shache), and Kashgar (Kashi). Located in the northwest partof China, they reached Tangut. After a very long journey, the three Polos were made welcome at Shangdu the summer capital of the Mongol emperor Kublai Khan in 1275. Marco, the youngest Polo, soon became a favorite in the Chinese court ofthe Great Kublai Khan. After studying and becoming fluent in the native languages, Marco Polo became a commissioner in the Mongol government in 1277. Kublai Khan trusted the Venetian Marco Polo so much that he relied on his advice in many important affairs. The descriptions Marco Polo gave of the emperors palace fired the imaginations of generations of explorers andtravelers, all of whom wished to view for themselves the eight square miles of enclosed barracks, parade grounds, vast arsenals, storerooms, living quarters, library, and especially the treasury. As a trusted agent of Kublai Khan for seventeen years, Marco Polo had a very unique opportunity to see a developed and sophisticated way of life not seen by Western culture. Kublai Khan trusted Marco Polo so much that he made him governor of Yangzhou. Marco Polo visited nearly every part of both northern and southern China in his long and loyal service to the great khan, using the imperial horse andpacket-boat system that was kept in readiness for the comfort of governmentofficials. Marco Polo was kept in constant service of the khan by cataloging and describing in detail many huge cities, provinces, and major commercial towns. He was interested in everything, including the manufacturing arts, commerce, architecture, the residents in each area, and many other things. Marco Polo was very impressed and intrigued by the silk industry and the book contains an excellent early picture of silk culture, weaving, dying, and finishing. The treasures of the Chinese cities must have seemed unreal to thirteenth century Europe. Marco Polos description of Hangzhou included the fabled twelve thousand bridges of the city, its many huge markets and bazaars, its cavernous warehouses for its trade with India, and even its consumption of six tons of p epper a day. Marco Polo also visited India on business and in the same great detail recorded its commercial life. He also may have visited the steppes of Asia, or the original land of the Moguls, where Kublai Khans ancestors may have grazed their herds. Even though it is very doubtful that he traveled so far north, it may have been possible that the Venetian made it to Siberia. His accounts of his many journeys also indicate great interest towards the islands south of China, including the Philippines. Around 1292, the three Polos desired to return to their home, but they were so favored that Kublai Khan would not let them leave. It was very hard for him to let them leave, but in reluctance he permitted them to go withan official commission to take the Mogul princes daughter to her wedding in Persia. It took them three years to return home even though they primarily traveled by ship. On the way Marco Polo recorded his impressions of Java also know as the great island, and many other places like Madagascar, Zanzibar, Sri Lanka, Dragoian. They crossed the Red Sea and the adventurers finally reached Venice in 1295. Their extraordinary odyssey that lasted nearly twenty years finally came to an end. Whent he Polos arrived to their old home their family that was staying there had presumed them dead and didnt believe it was they and would not let them in the house. After some arguing, the Polos convinced them that they really were who they said and their relatives allowed them in. Then Marco Polo was captured by the warring Genoese and imprisoned. While he was in prison, he dictated his experiences to prisoner and writer Rustichello of Pisa. The book was called Divisamentdou monde, later turned into The Travels of Marco Polo, 1579. Marco Polos uncle and father fell into the background and the young Marco Polo became the main figure. The great and in detail story was very readable and made a huge impression on Europe. The book was received in awe and it was not fully believed until other travelers to China verified parts of the tale. Christopher Columbus may have been stimulated to travel by this book and maybe many other famous explorers. Marco Polos account of his travels in Asia was one of the primary sources for the European image of Far East until the late nineteenth century.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Bush, Blair and Iraq :: War on Terrorism
On April 9, 2003 United States tanks stormed through Baghdad, Iraq. U.S. troops, then, toppled a giant statue of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in central Baghdad, which sent the Iraqi citizens into jubilee (Rampton 1). The Iraq War, or government's coined 'Operation Iraqi Freedom,' had finally arrived after declaring war on March 19, 2003. The U.S.-British coalition to invade Iraq and dethrone Hussein's dictatorship has been both a beneficial and detrimental political move. A war that originated because of Hussein's reluctance to weapons inspections now has become a messy situation where U.S.-British troops are dying more after major combat has ceased. President George W. Bush declared this war on 'terror' and, as a result, invaded Iraq on the grounds that Hussein had weapons of mass destruction which threatened American and world security. Prime Minister Tony Blair agreed with Bush that the world would be safer when Iraq disarmed its WMDs and pledged British troops fully to t he American war effort against terrorism. Over one year after invading Iraq, Hussein is captured, no weapons of mass destruction have been found, disturbing photos of abuse of Iraqi detainees, Dr. Kelly's mysterious death, and other nations providing troops are withdrawing?what arises out of all this is a question: Was Iraq worth it? Bush and Blair will both argue that even with all the setbacks, Iraqi citizens are better off now than under the Hussein regime, especially with the forthcoming of democracy. Critics dispute Iraq was invaded for financial reasons. Nevertheless, both Bush and Blair have seen their approval rating dip as the war continues, and it may ultimately hurt their reelection chances and prove that Iraq was too costly. Propaganda is a crucial element of a proficient government. However, it must be noted that propaganda is not a tool used for good, rather it is a weapon used to inflict biased views. Hence, propaganda is implemented to all facets of a citizen?s life. Ultimately, the goal of propaganda is to manipulate behavior and behavioral patterns; external rather than internal public opinion is sought. Voting, buying products, selecting entertainment, joining organizations, displaying symbols, fighting for a cause, donating to an organization, and other forms of action responses are sought from the audiences who are addressed by the persuader and propagandist. (Jossett, 45) To become an ?ideal? citizen, one must do all the aforementioned to provide for one?
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Problems at Perrier Perrier may well be the iconic brand in the world of mineral waters. However, regardless of the profile of the brand, the company that produces the bottled sparkling mineral water is having a tough time. It is the focus of what one commentator describes as â€Å"a vicious struggle underway for the soul of the business. The origins of the Perrier company can be traced to 1898 when a local doctor, Louis-Eugene Perrier, bought the mineral water source near Vergeze, France.The company grew steadily but demand really escalated in the late 1980s when it became highly fashionable and championed by a range of admirers including Wall Street yuppies. At its peak (1989), Perrier sold 1. 2 billion bottles (830 million in 2003), almost half to consumers in the United States. The boom years were good for the Perrier workers. Buoyant profits were associated with regular pay rises, social benefits, and extra holidays. However, in 1990, the finding of a minute trace of benzene in a bottle led to the collapse of U. S. sales.By 1992, annual output had halved and the company was close to bankruptcy. At this point it was bought for $2. 7 billion by Nestle, the world’s largest food company. Attracted by the combination of bottled water as a fast-growing business and the world’s best known mineral water brand, Nestle identified Perrier as an attractive takeover target. However, Perrier struggles to turn a profit. In 2003 its pretax profit margin on $300 million sales was only 0. 6% compared with 10. 4% for the Nestle Waters division overall. In 2004 it again recorded a loss.The Perrier factory is on a 234-acre site on the Mediterranean coastal plain near Nimes. The factory itself is rather nondescript, so much so that â€Å"from a distance it could be mistaken for a power station or auto plant. †Perrier employees work a 35-hour week and earn an average annual salary of $32,000 which is good for this part of France and relatively high for thi s industry. However, the average Perrier worker produces only 600,000 bottles a year, compared with 1. 1 million bottles at Nestle’s two other international French mineral-water brands (Vittel and Contrex).Relations between management and workers are not good. Almost all (93 percent) of Perrier’s 1,650 workers belong to the CGT, a union that is viewed by the management as consistently resisting Nestle’s attempts to improve Perrier’s financial performance. According to Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, â€Å"We have come to the point where the development of the Perrier brand is endangered by the stubbornness of the CGT. †Jean-Paul Franc, head of the CGT at Perrier, sees the situation differently. In regard to the company’s plan to cut 15 percent of its workforce he protests, â€Å"Nestle can’t do whatever it likes. He says, â€Å"There are men and women who work here†¦ Morally speaking the water and the gas stored below this ground belong to the whole region. †When, in 2004, Danone launched a new product (Badoit Rouge) that was designed to directly compete with Perrier’s new super-bubbly brand, Eau de Perrier, Perrier’s management put bottles of Badoit Rouge in the factory cafeteria. This had been done to emphasize the point to Perrier employees that they were involved in a head-to-head battle for that niche in the market.However, this act was not well received. â€Å"It was a provocation,†recalls one Perrier truck driver. â€Å"We took the bottles and dumped them in front of the factory director’s door, so he couldn’t get into his office. †QUESTIONS 1. Identify the key elements of the resistance to change described in this situation. 2. Construct a change management strategy for dealing with this situation. In so doing, identify what approach(es) to managing resistance you recommend and provide a clear justification for your choice.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Ethan Frome
Ethan Frome: Prisoner of Sheer Bleakness Ethan Frome, the striking, disfgured man of Starkfield and main character of the novel Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton, serves as an instance where a character has endured a significant event from the past that has affected the character in a negative way. Due to Ethan's harsh past that led to his repression away from society and internal moral entanglement, his activities and values in life were decrepitly modified.In the novel, certain personal circumstances surrounding Ethan Frome's early life contribute to the outcome of his pitiful life beginning with the earliest of woeful ircumstances in Ethan's life †his parents' sickliness. Shortly after graduating high school, Ethan attends a university where he studies his two passions†science and technology. This event allows the reader to view one of the few positive events in Ethan's life.After graduating he plans on escaping from Starkfield, which the reader later finds to be Ethan's ge ological and personal prison, but, soon after he begins University, Ethan's father and mother become ill. Ethan is forced to move back to the Frome's farm due to his strong willed morals, but when his father passes away, he is orced to take care his ill mother as well. Ethan's future wife Zeena, comes to care for his mother. This first sequence of circumstances allows the reader to view not only a glimpse of Ethan's moral values but Just how melancholic Ethan's early personal life begins to become.His mother, being Ethan's main source of attention and social interaction before her illness, stops talking to him and soon after dies, which leaves Zeena to be left with Ethan. Even though Zeena is viewed wicked by the reader, she is an interest to Ethan since she talks to him after his mother stopped and Ethan enjoys t. Being that it was winter, the most dreadful of seasons for Starkfield and the fact that he feels he owes her for caring for his mother, Ethan is summoned by his fear of l oneliness and contending his morals and marries Zeena.Initially, Ethan plans on moving away from Starkfleld with his new bride; however, Zeena, too, becomes ill. With Zeena's illness now becoming a hurdle in Ethan's race for freedom from the grim Starkfield, morally he tends to her needs and cares for his wife. Zeena, now ill, is no longer conversing as much with Ethan as before his mother's death and becomes n apparent hypochondriac and speaks in an obnoxious â€Å"flat whine. †Zeena is also shaping into an unattractive, old woman. Easily, Ethan could leave Zeena and escape Starkfield, but his morals prevent this from occurring.Yet again, Ethan endures another tragedy in his life and where his morality dwindles his chances of escaping Starkfield. Ethan and Zeena's marriage becomes bland and unappetizing to the both of them, and since the two are isolated from the rest of Starkfield, Ethan longs for social activity. However, this is the case until Zeena decides to appoint he r cousin, Mattie Silver, to live at the Fromes' farm with them and work as a housekeeper. Unlike Zeena, Mattie is is young, attractive, and has an interest in speaking to Ethan.Unfortunately, Mattie is inexperienced and has no knowledge of housekeeping and is naive. Upon Mattie's arrival, Ethan is skeptical of the idea of having to pay for a housekeeper. Later, Ethan learns Mattie has came to live with the Fromes' in order to feelings for Mattie (because she is livelier than Zeena) but is unable to fully pursue a relationship with her due to his marriage to Zeena because of his moral character. Mattie, who talks to Ethan and gives him the attention he yearns for, is the driving force behind Ethan's new found happiness.Together, Mattie and Ethan enjoy conversing about Ethan's lessons on science and technology which eventually leads to their outdoor walks and their discussions about their love for nature. Initially, Ethan is not physically having a relationship with Mattie due to his moral values, but envisioning one. Zeena, being an observant woman, realizes Ethan's changes and behavior for example his interest in bettering his appearance, specifically for Mattie. Ethan finds his way in a place of confusion, his happiness is because of Mattie, but morally he couldn't develop anymore of a romantic relationship with her because of his wife Zeena.Zeena decides to replace Mattie after her suspicion of a relationship between Ethan and Mattie sparks. Ethan becomes upset; â€Å"She had taken everything else from him; and no she meant to take the one thing that made up for all the others†. While escorting Mattie to her departure, the two decide to go sledding which results in act of attempt suicide to embody their love, but during the course of action, Ethan's morals†get the best of him. After the accident with Mattie, Ethan's life goes down hill.With a now disfigured body, a pitiful wife, and a paralyzed lover, Ethan Frome has now become a prisoner of Sta rkfield; â€Å"He seemed a part of the mute melancholy landscape, and incarnation of its frozen woe, with all that was warm and sentient in him fast bound below the surface;. †Negatively, the accident affects his present and future lives because he not only becomes an outcast to society but â€Å"the most striking fgure†. Left with having to aide Mattie in her physical impairment in his overty stricken home, he also deals with producing an income as well as no escape from Starkfield whatsoever.Unfortunately, Ethan no longer has memory of his beloved Mattie since she has now a reflection of another whiny, wicked â€Å"Zeena â€Å", . if [Mattie] ha' died, Ethan might ha' lived; and the way they are now, I Frome .. don't see's there's much difference between the Fromes up at the farm and the Fromes down in the graveyard; ‘cept that down there theyre all quiet, and the women have got to hold their tongues. †Ethan's moral value is questioned when he could a ve avoided his disastrous life but Just avoiding confrontation with his issues.His life becomes more dreadful than death itself. Now living in absolute pity because of the disastrous events that occurred in his life, Ethan Frome becomes a prisoner of unhappiness in his own home. All together with the death of his parents, his debt to his sickly wife, and his tragic accident which left him disfgured, Ethan Frome's repression from society and internal moral entanglement not only prevented him to never escape the harsh and bleak winters of Starkfield but, led him to become†a ruin ofa man. Ethan Frome Matt Grann January 4, 2009 Ethan Frome is an example of realist text for many reasons. The novel has many gritty facts of life and explains the lower class. It also has shows the harshness of reality. Finally, Ethan Frome is an example of men having no free will and can’t avoid their fate. Ethan Frome shows examples of Realism because of the gritty facts portrayed throughout the novel. It shows many things that make the lower class of life seem horrible and harder than what used to be thought of the poorer men. The upper class felt that poor people had no worries, but as a person would read realist text, they would realize that the poor life is hard and unrewarding. A gritty fact that is placed throughout the novel is that Starkfield is barren town. It is deserted, with limited townspeople and visitors. Also, the snow is not plowed, he has to drive himself around in the weather, and it shows him doing extremely trivial things. Frome scrambled†¦ heavily booted foot†(pg 21), shows that it is extremely hard for him to make it through the snow, and him walking through the snow as a challenge is such a trivial thing, yet it brings a new character into the story by causing so many problems. He does many other  trivial things throughout the novel that are explained, such as doing mill work, scrubbing the floor and doing dishes. This shows the worst parts of life, and shown throughout the whole book to show the problems that Starkfield faces. Harshness of reality shows realism because of the problems Ethan end sup facing throughout the book. The winter is a problem that everyone faces, in each and every persons reality. This is unavoidable and just causes a hastle on Fromes life. Being married to Zeena is also another example of the harshness of reality, he has serious issues concerning Zeena and is unhappily married to her, yet he can do nothing to change what goes on in his life. Ethan says â€Å"he was seized with an unreasoning dread of being left alone on the farm; and before he knew what he was doing he had asked her to stay with him. He married Zeena for the sole reason of fearing being alone in winter and going crazy. Another is that he could not go to college because of his parents deaths. His mother and father both died while he was attending school and he was forced to come home and take over the family business and take care of the farm. It is unfortunate for Ethan because he was on the road to becoming great yet when his parents died he was forced to give up his dream. No free will also poses another issue in Frome’s life and portrays realism strongly in Ethan Frome. The fact that he can’t avoid his fate is a strong topic throughout the novel. He can’t leave the house and go with matt because he will not have enough money to take her anywhere. The narrator states â€Å"There was no way out – none. He was a prisoner for life, and now his one ray of light was to be extinguished†, and this makes him realize life can never be fixed and get better. And he also cannot stay at home, because he loves Mattie and not Zeena so he is stuck in a dilemma, and can’t avoid what was meant to be. Also his mother died in winter, which made him feel as if he would go crazy if he was stuck in the house alone all winter, which made him ask Zeena to stay with him even though he did not love her. This is just a reason of chance, and ended up being his fate. Also he tries to escape his fate, and die with Mattie but he is meant to drag on his life with Zeena for as long as possible. Ethan Frome shows examples of realist text. It shows the gritty facts of life that exploit the lower class. This show harshness of reality in the novel as well. Also, it is an example of no free will, and that you have no way to avoid your fate. Ethan Frome Matt Grann January 4, 2009 Ethan Frome is an example of realist text for many reasons. The novel has many gritty facts of life and explains the lower class. It also has shows the harshness of reality. Finally, Ethan Frome is an example of men having no free will and can’t avoid their fate. Ethan Frome shows examples of Realism because of the gritty facts portrayed throughout the novel. It shows many things that make the lower class of life seem horrible and harder than what used to be thought of the poorer men. The upper class felt that poor people had no worries, but as a person would read realist text, they would realize that the poor life is hard and unrewarding. A gritty fact that is placed throughout the novel is that Starkfield is barren town. It is deserted, with limited townspeople and visitors. Also, the snow is not plowed, he has to drive himself around in the weather, and it shows him doing extremely trivial things. Frome scrambled†¦ heavily booted foot†(pg 21), shows that it is extremely hard for him to make it through the snow, and him walking through the snow as a challenge is such a trivial thing, yet it brings a new character into the story by causing so many problems. He does many other  trivial things throughout the novel that are explained, such as doing mill work, scrubbing the floor and doing dishes. This shows the worst parts of life, and shown throughout the whole book to show the problems that Starkfield faces. Harshness of reality shows realism because of the problems Ethan end sup facing throughout the book. The winter is a problem that everyone faces, in each and every persons reality. This is unavoidable and just causes a hastle on Fromes life. Being married to Zeena is also another example of the harshness of reality, he has serious issues concerning Zeena and is unhappily married to her, yet he can do nothing to change what goes on in his life. Ethan says â€Å"he was seized with an unreasoning dread of being left alone on the farm; and before he knew what he was doing he had asked her to stay with him. He married Zeena for the sole reason of fearing being alone in winter and going crazy. Another is that he could not go to college because of his parents deaths. His mother and father both died while he was attending school and he was forced to come home and take over the family business and take care of the farm. It is unfortunate for Ethan because he was on the road to becoming great yet when his parents died he was forced to give up his dream. No free will also poses another issue in Frome’s life and portrays realism strongly in Ethan Frome. The fact that he can’t avoid his fate is a strong topic throughout the novel. He can’t leave the house and go with matt because he will not have enough money to take her anywhere. The narrator states â€Å"There was no way out – none. He was a prisoner for life, and now his one ray of light was to be extinguished†, and this makes him realize life can never be fixed and get better. And he also cannot stay at home, because he loves Mattie and not Zeena so he is stuck in a dilemma, and can’t avoid what was meant to be. Also his mother died in winter, which made him feel as if he would go crazy if he was stuck in the house alone all winter, which made him ask Zeena to stay with him even though he did not love her. This is just a reason of chance, and ended up being his fate. Also he tries to escape his fate, and die with Mattie but he is meant to drag on his life with Zeena for as long as possible. Ethan Frome shows examples of realist text. It shows the gritty facts of life that exploit the lower class. This show harshness of reality in the novel as well. Also, it is an example of no free will, and that you have no way to avoid your fate.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on AOL Time Warner Merger
Term Paper On AOL & Time-Warner Merger Subject: Financial Management AOL-Time Warner, Inc. is a fully integrated, Internet-powered media and communications company. The Company was formed in connection with the merger of America Online, Inc. (America Online) and Time Warner Inc. (Time Warner), which was consummated on January 11, 2001 (the Merger). As a result of the Merger, America Online and Time Warner each became wholly owned subsidiaries of AOL Time Warner. Business areas The Company classifies its business interests into fundamental areas comprised of America Online, consisting principally of interactive services, Web brands, Internet technologies and electronic commerce; Cable, consisting principally of interests in cable television systems; Filmed Entertainment, consisting principally of interests in filmed entertainment and television production; Networks, consisting principally of interests in cable television and broadcast television networks; Music, consisting principally of interests in recorded music and music publishing; and Publishing, consisting principally of interests in magazine publishing, book publishing and direct marketing. Time-Warner Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P. (TWE) was formed in 1992 to own and operate substantially all of the business of Warner Bros., Home Box Office and the cable television businesses owned and operated by Time Warner prior to such date. Currently, the Company, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, owns general and limited partnership interests in 74.49% of the pro rata priority capital (Series A Capital) and residual equity capital (Residual Capital) of TWE and 100% of the junior priority capital. The remaining 25.51% limited partnership interests in the Series A Capital and Residual Capital of TWE are held by MediaOne TWE Holdings, Inc., a subsidiary of AT&T Corp. (AT&T). The Company and AT&T have been engaged in discussions regarding AT&T's interest in... Free Essays on AOL Time Warner Merger Free Essays on AOL Time Warner Merger Term Paper On AOL & Time-Warner Merger Subject: Financial Management AOL-Time Warner, Inc. is a fully integrated, Internet-powered media and communications company. The Company was formed in connection with the merger of America Online, Inc. (America Online) and Time Warner Inc. (Time Warner), which was consummated on January 11, 2001 (the Merger). As a result of the Merger, America Online and Time Warner each became wholly owned subsidiaries of AOL Time Warner. Business areas The Company classifies its business interests into fundamental areas comprised of America Online, consisting principally of interactive services, Web brands, Internet technologies and electronic commerce; Cable, consisting principally of interests in cable television systems; Filmed Entertainment, consisting principally of interests in filmed entertainment and television production; Networks, consisting principally of interests in cable television and broadcast television networks; Music, consisting principally of interests in recorded music and music publishing; and Publishing, consisting principally of interests in magazine publishing, book publishing and direct marketing. Time-Warner Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P. (TWE) was formed in 1992 to own and operate substantially all of the business of Warner Bros., Home Box Office and the cable television businesses owned and operated by Time Warner prior to such date. Currently, the Company, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, owns general and limited partnership interests in 74.49% of the pro rata priority capital (Series A Capital) and residual equity capital (Residual Capital) of TWE and 100% of the junior priority capital. The remaining 25.51% limited partnership interests in the Series A Capital and Residual Capital of TWE are held by MediaOne TWE Holdings, Inc., a subsidiary of AT&T Corp. (AT&T). The Company and AT&T have been engaged in discussions regarding AT&T's interest in...
Monday, October 21, 2019
History of Olmec Art and Sculpture
History of Olmec Art and Sculpture The Olmec culture was the first great Mesoamerican civilization, developing along Mexicos Gulf coast from about 1200-400 B.C. before going into a mysterious decline. The Olmec were very talented artists and sculptors who are today best remembered for their monumental stonework and cave paintings. Although relatively few pieces of Olmec art survive today, they are quite striking and show that artistically speaking, the Olmec were far ahead of their time. The massive colossal heads found at four Olmec sites are a good example. Most surviving Olmec art seems to have had a religious or political significance, i.e. the pieces show gods or rulers. The Olmec Civilization The Olmec were the first great Mesoamerican civilization. The city of San Lorenzo (its original name has been lost to time) flourished around 1200-900 B.C. and was the first major city in ancient Mexico. The Olmecs were great traders, warriors, and artists, and they developed writing systems and calendars which were perfected by later cultures. Other Mesoamerican cultures, such as the Aztecs and Maya, borrowed heavily from the Olmecs. Because the Olmec society went into decline two thousand years before the first Europeans arrived in the region, much of their culture has been lost. Nevertheless, diligent anthropologists and archaeologists continue to make great strides in understanding this lost culture. The surviving artwork is one of the best tools they have for doing so. Olmec Art The Olmec were gifted artists who produced stone carvings, woodcarvings and cave paintings. They made carvings of all sizes, from tiny celts and figurines to massive stone heads. The stonework is made of many different types of stone, including basalt and jadeite. Only a handful of Olmec woodcarvings remain, busts excavated from a bog at the El Manatà archaeological site. The cave paintings are found mostly in mountains in the present-day Mexican state of Guerrero. The Olmec Colossal Heads The most striking pieces of surviving Olmec art are without a doubt the colossal heads. These heads, carved from basalt boulders mined many miles away from where they were eventually carved, depict enormous male heads wearing a sort of helmet or headdress. The largest head was found at the La Cobata archaeological site and is nearly ten feet tall and weighs about 40 tons. Even the smallest of the colossal heads is still over four feet high. In all, seventeen Olmec colossal heads have been discovered at four different archaeological sites: 10 of them are at San Lorenzo. They are thought to depict individual kings or rulers. Olmec Thrones Olmec sculptors also made many enormous thrones, great squarish blocks of basalt with detailed carvings on the sides thought to have been used as platforms or thrones by the nobility or priests. One of the thrones depicts two pudgy dwarves holding up a flat tabletop while others show scenes of humans carrying were-jaguar infants. The purpose of the thrones was discovered when a cave painting of an Olmec ruler seated on one was discovered. Statues and Stelae Olmec artists sometimes made statues or stelae. One famous set of statues was discovered at the El Azuzul site near San Lorenzo. It consists of three pieces: two identical twins facing a jaguar. This scene is often interpreted as depicting a Mesoamerican myth of some sort: heroic twins play an important role in the Popol Vuh, the sacred book of the Maya. The Olmecs created several statues: another significant one found near the summit of the San Martà n Pajapan Volcano. The Olmecs created relatively few stelae - tall standing stones with inscribed or carved surfaces - but some significant examples have been found at the La Venta and Tres Zapotes sites. Celts, Figurines and Masks All in all, some 250 examples of monumental Olmec art such as colossal heads and statues are known. There are countless smaller pieces, however, including figurines, small statues, celts (small pieces with designs roughly shaped like an ax head), masks and ornaments. One famous smaller statue is the wrestler, a lifelike depiction of a cross-legged man with his arms in the air. Another smaller statue of great importance is Las Limas Monument 1, which depicts a seated youth holding a were-jaguar baby. Symbols of four Olmec gods are inscribed on his legs and shoulders, making it a very valuable artifact indeed. The Olmec were avid mask makers, producing life-sized masks, possibly worn during ceremonies, and smaller masks used as adornments. Olmec Cave Painting To the west of the traditional Olmec lands, in the mountains of the present-day Mexican State of Guerrero, two caves containing several paintings attributed to the Olmec have been discovered. The Olmec associated caves with the Earth Dragon, one of their gods, and it is likely that the caves were sacred places. Juxtlahuaca Cave contains a depiction of a feathered serpent and a pouncing jaguar, but the best painting is a colorful Olmec ruler standing next to a smaller, kneeling figure. The ruler holds a wavy-shaped object in one hand (a serpent?) and a three-pronged device in the other, possibly a weapon. The ruler is clearly bearded, a rarity in Olmec art. The paintings in Oxtotitln Cave feature a man with a detailed headdress styled after an owl, a crocodile monster and an Olmec man standing behind a jaguar. Although Olmec-style cave paintings have been discovered in other caves in the region, the ones at Oxtotitln and Juxtlahuaca are the most important. Importance of Olmec Art As artists, the Olmec were centuries ahead of their time. Many modern Mexican artists find inspiration in their Olmec heritage. Olmec art has many modern fans: replica colossal heads can be found around the world (one is at the University of Texas, Austin). You can even buy a small replica colossal head for your home, or a quality printed photograph of some of the more famous statues. As the first great Mesoamerican civilization, the Olmec were extremely influential. Late-era Olmec reliefs look like Mayan art to the untrained eye, and other cultures such as the Toltecs borrowed stylistically from them. Sources Coe, Michael D., and Rex Koontz. Mexico: From the Olmecs to the Aztecs. 6th Edition. New York: Thames and Hudson, 2008Diehl, Richard A. The Olmecs: Americas First Civilization. London: Thames and Hudson, 2004.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Biography of Al Capone, Prohibition Era Crime Boss
Biography of Al Capone, Prohibition Era Crime Boss Al Capone (January 17, 1899–January 25, 1947) was a notorious gangster who ran an organized crime syndicate in Chicago during the 1920s, taking advantage of the era of Prohibition. Capone, who was both charming and charitable as well as powerful and vicious, became an iconic figure of the successful American gangster. Fast Facts: Al Capone Known For: Notorious gangster in Chicago during ProhibitionBorn: January 17, 1899 in Brooklyn, New YorkParents: Gabriele and Teresina (Teresa) CaponeDied: January 25, 1947 in Miami, FloridaEducation: Left grade school at 14Spouse: Mary Mae CoughlinChildren: Albert Francis Capone Early Life Al Capone (Alphonse Capone, and known as Scarface) was born on January 17, 1899, in Brooklyn, New York, to Italian immigrants Gabriele and Teresina (Teresa) Capone and was the fourth of their nine children. From all known accounts, Capones childhood was a normal one. His father was a barber and his mother stayed home with the children. They were a tight-knit Italian family trying to succeed in their new country. Like many immigrant families at the time, the Capone children often dropped out of school early to help earn money for the family. Al Capone stayed in school until he was 14 and then left to take a number of odd jobs. Around the same time, Capone joined a street gang called the South Brooklyn Rippers and then later the Five Points Juniors. These were groups of teenagers who roamed the streets, protected their turf from rival gangs, and sometimes carried out petty crimes like stealing cigarettes. Scarface It was through the Five Points gang that Al Capone came to the attention of brutal New York mobster Frankie Yale. In 1917, 18-year-old Capone went to work for Yale at the Harvard Inn as a bartender and as a waiter and bouncer when needed. Capone watched and learned as Yale used violence to maintain control over his empire. One day while working at the Harvard Inn, Capone saw a man and woman sitting at a table. After his initial advances were ignored, Capone went up to the good-looking woman and whispered in her ear, Honey, you have a nice ass and I mean that as a compliment. The man with her was her brother, Frank Gallucio. Defending his sisters honor, Gallucio punched Capone. However, Capone didnt let it end there; he decided to fight back. Gallucio then took out a knife and slashed at Capones face, managing to cut Capones left cheek three times (one of which cut Capone from ear to mouth). The scars left from this attack led to Capones nickname of Scarface, a name he personally hated. Family Life Not long after this attack, Al Capone met Mary (Mae) Coughlin, who was pretty, blonde, middle-class, and came from a respectable Irish family. A few months after they started dating, Mae became pregnant. Al Capone and Mae got married on December 30, 1918, three weeks after their son (Albert Francis Capone, a.k.a. Sonny) was born. Sonny was to remain Capones only child. Throughout the rest of his life, Al Capone kept his family and his business interests completely separate. Capone was a doting father and husband, taking great care in keeping his family safe, cared for, and out of the spotlight. However, despite his love for his family, Capone did have a number of mistresses over the years. Plus, unknown to him at the time, Capone contracted syphilis from a prostitute before he met Mae. Since the symptoms of syphilis can disappear quickly, Capone had no idea that he still had the sexually transmitted disease or that it would so greatly affect his health in later years. Chicago About 1920, Capone left the East Coast and headed to Chicago. He was looking for a fresh start working for Chicago crime boss Johnny Torrio. Unlike Yale who used violence to run his racket, Torrio was a sophisticated gentleman who preferred cooperation and negotiation to rule his crime organization. Capone was to learn a lot from Torrio. Capone started out in Chicago as a manager for the Four Deuces, a place where clients could drink and gamble downstairs or visit prostitutes upstairs. Capone did well in this position and worked hard to earn Torrios respect. Soon Torrio had increasingly important jobs for Capone and by 1922, Capone had risen up the ranks in Torrios organization. When William E. Dever, an honest man, took over as Chicagos mayor in 1923, Torrio decided to avoid the mayors attempts to curb crime by moving his headquarters to the Chicago suburb of Cicero. It was Capone who made this happen. Capone established speakeasies, brothels, and gambling joints. Capone also worked diligently to get all the important city officials on his payroll. It didnt take long for Capone to own Cicero. Capone had more than proven his worth to Torrio and it wasnt long before Torrio handed over the entire organization to Capone. Crime Boss Following the November 1924 murder of Dion OBanion (an associate of Torrio and Capones who had become untrustworthy), Torrio and Capone were seriously hunted by one of OBanions vengeful friends. Fearing for his life, Capone drastically upgraded everything about his personal safety, including surrounding himself with bodyguards and ordering a bulletproof Cadillac sedan. Torrio, on the other hand, did not greatly change his routine and on January 12, 1925, he was savagely attacked just outside his home. Nearly killed, Torrio decided to retire and hand his entire organization over to Capone in March 1925. Capone had learned well from Torrio and soon proved himself to be an extremely successful crime boss. Capone as a Celebrity Gangster Al Capone, only 26 years old, was now in charge of a very large crime organization that included brothels, nightclubs, dance halls, race tracks, gambling establishments, restaurants, speakeasies, breweries, and distilleries. As a major crime boss in Chicago, Capone put himself in the publics eye. In Chicago, Capone became an outlandish character. He dressed in colorful suits, wore a white fedora hat, proudly displayed his 11.5-carat diamond pinky ring, and would often pull out his huge roll of bills while out in public places. It was hard not to notice Al Capone. Capone was also known for his generosity. He would frequently tip a waiter $100, had standing orders in Cicero to hand out coal and clothes to the needy during the cold winters, and opened some of the first soup kitchens during the Great Depression. There were also numerous stories of how Capone would personally help out when he heard a hard-luck story, such as a woman considering turning to prostitution to help her family or a young kid who couldnt go to college because of the high cost of tuition. Capone was so generous to the average citizen that some even considered him a modern-day Robin Hood. Cold-Blooded Killer As much as the average citizen considered Capone to be a generous benefactor and local celebrity, Capone was also a cold-blooded killer. Although the exact numbers will never be known, it is believed that Capone personally murdered dozens of people and ordered the killing of hundreds of others. One such example of Capone handling things personally occurred in the spring of 1929. Capone had learned that three of his associates planned to betray him, so he invited all three to a huge banquet. After the three unsuspecting men had eaten heartily and drank their fill, Capones bodyguards quickly tied them to their chairs. Capone then picked up a baseball bat and began hitting them, breaking bone after bone. When Capone was done with them, the three men were shot in the head and their bodies dumped out of town. The most famous example of a hit believed to be ordered by Capone was the February 14, 1929 assassination now called the St. Valentines Day Massacre. On that day, Capones Henchman Machine Gun Jack McGurn attempted to lure rival crime leader George Bugs Moran into a garage and kill him. The ruse was actually quite elaborate and would have been completely successful if Moran hadnt been running a few minutes late. Still, seven of Morans top men were gunned down in that garage. Tax Evasion Despite committing murder and other crimes for years, it was the St. Valentines Day Massacre that brought Capone to the attention of the federal government. When President Herbert Hoover learned about Capone, Hoover personally pushed for Capones arrest. The federal government had a two-pronged attack plan. One part of the plan included collecting evidence of Prohibition violations as well as shutting down Capones illegal businesses. Treasury agent Eliot Ness and his group of Untouchables were to enact this part of the plan by frequently raiding Capones breweries and speakeasies. The forced shut down, plus the confiscation of all that was found, severely hurt Capones business- and his pride. The second part of the governments plan was to find evidence of Capone not paying taxes on his massive income. Capone had been careful over the years to run his businesses with cash only or through third parties. However, the IRS found an incriminating ledger and some witnesses who were able to testify against Capone. On October 6, 1931, Capone was brought to trial. He was charged with 22 counts of tax evasion and 5,000 violations of the Volstead Act (the main Prohibition law). The first trial focused only on the tax evasion charges. On October 17, Capone was found guilty of only five of the 22 tax evasion charges. The judge, not wanting Capone to get off easily, sentenced Capone to 11 years in prison, $50,000 in fines, and court costs totaling $30,000. Capone was completely shocked. He had thought he could bribe the jury and get away with these charges just like he had dozens of others. He had no idea that this was to be the end of his reign as a crime boss. He was only 32 years old. Alcatraz When most high-ranking gangsters went to prison, they usually bribed the warden and prison guards in order to make their stay behind bars plush with amenities. Capone was not that lucky. The government wanted to make an example of him. After his appeal was denied, Capone was taken to the Atlanta Penitentiary in Georgia on May 4, 1932. When rumors leaked out that Capone had been receiving special treatment there, he was chosen to be one of the first inmates at the new maximum security prison at Alcatraz in San Francisco. When Capone arrived at Alcatraz in August 1934, he became prisoner number 85. There were no bribes and no amenities at Alcatraz. Capone was in a new prison with the most violent of criminals, many of whom wanted to challenge the tough gangster from Chicago. However, just as daily life became more brutal for him, his body began to suffer from the long-term effects of syphilis. Over the next several years, Capone began to grow increasingly disoriented, experienced convulsions, slurred speech, and a shuffling walk. His mind quickly deteriorated. After spending four-and-a-half years at Alcatraz, Capone was transferred on January 6, 1939, to a hospital at the Federal Correctional Institution in Los Angeles. A few months after that Capone was transferred to a penitentiary in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. On November 16, 1939, Capone was paroled. Retirement and Death Capone had tertiary syphilis, which could not be healed. However, Capones wife Mae took him to a number of different doctors. Despite many novel attempts at a cure, Capones mind continued to degenerate. Capone spent his remaining years in quiet retirement at his estate in Miami, Florida while his health slowly got worse. On January 19, 1947, Capone suffered a stroke. After developing pneumonia, Capone died on January 25, 1947, of cardiac arrest at age 48. Sources Capeci, Dominic J. Al Capone: Symbol of a Ballyhoo Society. The Journal of Ethnic Studies 2.33–50 (1975).Haller, Mark H. Organized Crime in Urban Society: Chicago in the Twentieth Century. Journal of Social History 5.2 (1971): 210–34.Iorizzo, Luciano J. Al Capone: A Biography. Greenwood Biographies. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2003.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Joint Commission on Health Care Organizations Policy Research Paper
Joint Commission on Health Care Organizations Policy - Research Paper Example The analysis of the policy of TJC in accreditation of healthcare organizations shows its strengths and weaknesses, enabling analysts to make informed recommendation of the way to improve it. TJC has the responsibility of ensuring that all the organizations that offer healthcare services improve their services to increase the satisfaction in the patients who receive care from them. This commission has implemented the policy to enhance the healthcare to all people in that it sets regulations that health care organizations have to follow so that they can be licensed to operate within the country. The goal of TJC is to establish safer healthcare systems for all patients in the United States of America (US), and therefore to ensure that all who seek care get quality services. TJC aims at eliminating any form of poor services that may result from poor conditions of health facilities, lack of qualified caregivers and other issues that can the healthcare standard. TJC also aims to ensure tha t patients all over US can receive similar services irrespective of the caregiver or hospital they seek healthcare services across the country. These goals of the TJC are aimed at ensuring equality of healthcare service delivery to all patients and that the services are offered in a safe environment that will enhance the recovery of the people who seek care instead of causing deterioration of their condition, an attribute associated with substandard healthcare delivery (The Joint Commission, 2007). Apart from the basic healthcare services, TJC also offers services such as consultancy, accreditation, publication and education programs that are aimed at increasing the quality of patient care. TJC assist health organizations, health ministries and other stakeholders in health sector to evaluate, improve and implement the patients’ care and increase their chances of safety so that they can recover from their conditions. Through the activities of TJC, the healthcare organizations that offer care demonstrate their value for quality of services in their situations. The success of TJC is assessed through the performance of the healthcare organizations that comply with the policy that determine the way they offer the services they ought to give to all the patients (The Joint Commission, 2010). Explanation of the process of accreditation of health organizations by TJC TJC has implemented a plan, which is used to assess the delivery of services of different healthcare organizations in the world. This assessment is done through a randomized survey of the healthcare organization after a particular length of time to ensure that they are complying with the requirement of the policy. The survey on adherence to stipulated guidelines is carried out after every three years for healthcare organizations, and after two years in laboratories that offer healthcare services to the people in the society. Through these surveys, organizations assessed are analyzed according to the ir different sections of operations to ascertain whether they meet the set standards. Organizations that TJC targets to carry surveys on are not usually notified of the date
The Culture of Laos Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Culture of Laos - Essay Example Culture First of all, religious belief plays a decisive role within the scenario of Lao culture. To be specific, one can easily identify the influence of Buddhism in the culture of Laos. John Holt opines that, â€Å"When writing about Lao culture, however, one also has to take into account that most of the â€Å"ethnic Lao†population, and therefore Lao Buddhism and religious culture, actually resides outside of the current political boundaries of Laos†(9). At the same time, the different elements of culture, like art and literature, are deeply influenced by Theravada Buddhism. Besides, South East Asian conventional way of life still prevails in Laos and the same influence their cultural aspects. The influence of traditional way of life is evident in their food habits. For instance, rice is generally considered as an important food grain in Laos. The people of Laos connect their food habits with their culture because the same is related to their daily life. Physical location One can see that this nation is located within the South Eastern side of Asia. Lydia Laube states that, â€Å"Laos is a landlocked country of 236,800 square kilometres†(1). Some of the important nations in this region share their borders with this nation. To be specific, Laos shares its border with China, an important nation in this area. At the same time, Laos shares her boundary with Burma, a less dominant nation in this area. ... This nation is well known for its conservative measures that protect its natural vegetation. Still, opium production in the border areas is an important problem to be dealt with utmost importance. Population The present population of this nation is above 6 million. One must not misunderstand that most of the people live in big cities. Instead, most of the people live in the valley areas, especially within the banks of the most important river system in Laos, i.e. the River Mekong. Even the capital city (say, named as Vientiane prefecture) of this nation does not face population explosion because its population is below 800000. So one can see that population explosion is not an imminent threat for the people of Laos. Still, this low population is an advantage to the nation because this nation possesses the youngest population in the Asian continent. Religious beliefs The most important religious belief in this nation is Buddhism, especially Theravada Buddhism. To be specific, around 7 0% of the people believe in Theravada Buddhism. Besides, Christianity is less influential among the people in this nation. Still, the core aspects of Hinduism indirectly influence their beliefs because Buddhism originated from this religion. Besides, some people in this nation practice Animism, i.e., the belief that provides importance to the natural phenomena. On the other side, the constitution ensures religious freedom to the citizens. But the Communist/Socialist government provides less importance to religious practices in public. Ethnic groups One among the important ethnic groups in this nation is Lao Loum, who lives in the lowland region. To be specific, this ethnic group gained political and intellectual importance in the society. The origin of this ethnic group is
The Culture of Laos Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Culture of Laos - Essay Example Culture First of all, religious belief plays a decisive role within the scenario of Lao culture. To be specific, one can easily identify the influence of Buddhism in the culture of Laos. John Holt opines that, â€Å"When writing about Lao culture, however, one also has to take into account that most of the â€Å"ethnic Lao†population, and therefore Lao Buddhism and religious culture, actually resides outside of the current political boundaries of Laos†(9). At the same time, the different elements of culture, like art and literature, are deeply influenced by Theravada Buddhism. Besides, South East Asian conventional way of life still prevails in Laos and the same influence their cultural aspects. The influence of traditional way of life is evident in their food habits. For instance, rice is generally considered as an important food grain in Laos. The people of Laos connect their food habits with their culture because the same is related to their daily life. Physical location One can see that this nation is located within the South Eastern side of Asia. Lydia Laube states that, â€Å"Laos is a landlocked country of 236,800 square kilometres†(1). Some of the important nations in this region share their borders with this nation. To be specific, Laos shares its border with China, an important nation in this area. At the same time, Laos shares her boundary with Burma, a less dominant nation in this area. ... This nation is well known for its conservative measures that protect its natural vegetation. Still, opium production in the border areas is an important problem to be dealt with utmost importance. Population The present population of this nation is above 6 million. One must not misunderstand that most of the people live in big cities. Instead, most of the people live in the valley areas, especially within the banks of the most important river system in Laos, i.e. the River Mekong. Even the capital city (say, named as Vientiane prefecture) of this nation does not face population explosion because its population is below 800000. So one can see that population explosion is not an imminent threat for the people of Laos. Still, this low population is an advantage to the nation because this nation possesses the youngest population in the Asian continent. Religious beliefs The most important religious belief in this nation is Buddhism, especially Theravada Buddhism. To be specific, around 7 0% of the people believe in Theravada Buddhism. Besides, Christianity is less influential among the people in this nation. Still, the core aspects of Hinduism indirectly influence their beliefs because Buddhism originated from this religion. Besides, some people in this nation practice Animism, i.e., the belief that provides importance to the natural phenomena. On the other side, the constitution ensures religious freedom to the citizens. But the Communist/Socialist government provides less importance to religious practices in public. Ethnic groups One among the important ethnic groups in this nation is Lao Loum, who lives in the lowland region. To be specific, this ethnic group gained political and intellectual importance in the society. The origin of this ethnic group is
Friday, October 18, 2019
Research Methods and Critique Question Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Methods and Critique Question - Research Paper Example In addition, this paper critically appraises the article â€Å"Embedding Quality in e-Learning Implementation through Evaluation†by Frances Deepwell (2007) which throws light on the various domains of evaluation as applicable to the domain of e-learning and recommends how evaluation can be used in order to improve the quality of e-learning (Deepwell, 2007). E-Learning – a novel approach to learning: In the current advent of technological advancements, the world has changed into a global village, where distance learning, an essential component of which is e-learning, has fast made its place in the domain of education (Gunasekaran, McNeil, & Shaul, 2002; Khodamoradi & Abedi, 2011). In this download era, the internet has transformed from a simple medium where information and knowledge was fed and then consequently retrieved or shared at a required time, into a worldwide platform, where now each and every second millions, if not more, users are learning ,sharing and teachi ng a wide variety of topics (Downes, 2005). Moreover, in recent times, the teaching methodologies and learning approaches have experienced a paradigm shift in that learner centered approaches are more favored than teacher centered educational approaches, which has made the learning process more individualized and tailored to suit each individual’s pace, requirements and capacity (Deepwell, 2007). In today’s post-positivism era, more emphasis is placed on promoting learner autonomy and cooperative learning (Ehlers et al., 2005). In such a model of learning, the use of technology is pertinent and effective as it enables learners to be independent and learn from a wide variety of learning strategies rather than the conventional teacher centered mode of instruction (Zhang, 2003). These demands and changing trends in the patterns of learning and transfer of knowledge and ideas gave rise to the concept of distance learning or e-learning. The term distance learning refers to â€Å"education designed for learners who live at a distance from the teaching institution or education provider (Khodamoradi & Abedi, 2011, p. 225).†Traditionally, the predominant medium of education employed for distance learning was print media such as textbooks, notes or other course materials, but more recently, this practice has been replaced gradually with the increasing use of non-print media eversince the evolution of the concept of e-learning (Khodamoradi & Abedi, 2011). E-Learning, which is defined as â€Å"technology-based learning in which learning materials are delivered electronically to remote learners via a computer network (Zhang, Zhao, Zhou, & Nunamaker, 2004, p. 76)â€
PROMPT for AoS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
PROMPT for AoS - Essay Example tile stimulation, contrastive stress drill, prompts for restructuring oral muscular phonetic targets (PROMPT), and melodic intonation therapy (Wambaugh et al., 1998). Word prompt programs are computer software programs used in addition to basic word processing (Wood, Rankin, Beukelman, 1997). Sound production treatments have also been tried (Wambaugh et al., 1999). The Kaufman Speech Praxis Treatment Kit has been used for treating children with apraxia of speech (Kaufman Children’s center, n.d). Wambaugh & Doyle, 1994, made a review of 28 treatment reports over the past 20 years. Positive results were noted with the following treatments: flexible treatment hierarchy combined with home programs; combination of sound placement, sound drill and graphic stimulation; metronome pacing accompanying drill of all behaviors; package modeling, integral stimulation, phonetic placement, multiple repetitions; PROMPT system and integral stimulation; and PROMPT motokinesthetic stimulation with some rate control. The majority of subjects were chronic apraxic speakers, with 62% being 6 months post onset. Currently, although most treatments have reported good results, most current AOS treatments have limited data to support their use, and there is a lack of replication of treatment findings (Wambaugh, 2002). Another limitation is the lack of measurement of generalization and maintenance effects of treatment (Wambaugh et al., 1998). Chumpelik is credited for developing the PROMPT (Prompts for Restructuring Oral and Muscular Phonetic Targets) system in 1984. This is a tactile–kinesthetic based treatment method, originally developed for the treatment of children with developmental motor speech disorders; later, it was modified for use in adults with motor speech disorders (Bose et al., 2001) Prompts are applied to the mylohyoid muscle, facial musculature and through mandibular manipulation. Some or all of the following parameters receive input from PROMPTs: spatial
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Employability and Consulting Skills - reflective report Essay
Employability and Consulting Skills - reflective report - Essay Example 6). If urgent feedback from the team members was required, I would have used face to face communication as it is more sufficient and effective. The second important step is to distribute the meeting agenda and the goals of the meeting in advance. As a team leader, I decided to come up with the meeting structure which will clearly stipulate the expected result from the meeting and ways that will be used to make the meeting more productive. Stating the goals of a meeting helps the individuals whom are expected to attend the meeting to know what is expected of them (Enduring Ideas: The 7-S Framework Podcast 2008, p. 8). This will be achieved by the team leader writing the agenda. The third step that a team leader should consider while planning for a meeting to own the meeting and keeping the meeting moving ahead. Productive meetings are as a result of good leadership. As the team leader taking control of the meeting and expressing my intention of making the meeting to keep on moving with successful, timely and with relevant discussions was important. The meeting leader should show the other team members that he values their time during the discussion. He can do this by making sure that there is a clock or a timer that is visible to all those engaged in the meeting (Cross et al 2006, p. 11). The leader should also ensure that the schedule is maintained by ensuring that the topic of discussion is well maintained. So as to get some constructive and positive inputs from the meeting, two way communications was important to me as it helped in raising honest inputs from every team member. Everyone was also given equal opportunity to express their views and to be heard. It was also important for me to avoid emphasizing on my view as this will prevent the group consensus. Failure to build up a group consensus can make the team
Escherichia coli ESBL positive and its interaction with the human Dissertation
Escherichia coli ESBL positive and its interaction with the human urothelial cells - Dissertation Example The gene encoding the antibiotic resistance is found on plasmids, transposons, and inserted in genes in bacteria all over the world and in multiple species. Although much research has been conducted to characterize the microbial enzyme biochemically, PCR analysis remains the â€Å"gold standard (4, 5, 6).†E. coli isolates from the environment are generally succeptible to beta-lactam antibiotics because of the absence of a strong promoter sequence for the expression of the gene for Beta-Lactamase. However, extensive use of antibiotics and the spread of genetic elements among the bacteria have resulted in development of Beta-lactam resistant strains. Consequently, Beta-lactam resistant strains of E. coli have been isolated from hospitals and clinics around the world (7, 8, 9). Klebsiella is a member of the Enterobacteria that is a small, non-motile rod, and the bacterium is often associated with urinary tract infections. Klebsiella is capable of nonaerobic metabolism and is fou nd in water and soil, in addition to the mammalian intestinal and urinary tracts. Klebsiella possesses the enzyme nitrogenase, and is capable of nitrogen fixation under nonaerobic conditions, but the bacterium loses this capability under the aerobic environment in mammalian intestinal and urinary tracts (1, 10, 11, 12). Aims and Objectives The binding of E.coli to urothelial cells is mediated by pili via the FIMH protein. The receptor for the binding has been elucidated to be uroplakin 1a in mouse cells (13). Mutation of key residues in FIMH attenuates binging of E.coli to the FIMH urinary receptor and consequently reduces colonization of the bacteria in the bladder. The binding is mediated by mannose residues and relies on a key pocket in the FIMH protein (14, 15). Isolates of E. coli from a septic lamb were utilized to characterize the cytotoxic necrotizing factor type 2, and it was discovered that this protein enters effected epithelial cells and targets Rho protein, which subseq uently reorganizes actin filaments into stress fibers in the effected host cells (16, 17, 18). Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been utilized to treat many epidermal conditions in humans. These include skin cancer, acne, skin rejuvination, hidradenitis suppurativa, psoriasis, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, disseminated actinic porokeratosis, localized scleroderma, and vulval lichen sclerosis. Other applications include anal and vulvar carcinoma, palliation of metastatic breast cancer to skin, Barrett’s esophagus, and retinal macular degeneration (19, 20, 21). PDT is characterized by the application of moderate light (50mW/s) for a moderate amount of time (15 minutes) to the infected area which creates a photosensitization period followed by a destruction period. PDT application results in a 5 to 6 log decrease in infectious, antiobiotic resistant bacteria by destruction of amino acids and polylysine tracts present in bacterial proteins, as well as the creation of destructive reacti ve oxygen species (22, 23, 24). It is proposed in this work that PDT be utilized to irradiate E. coli and Klebsiella beta-lactamase positive bacteria from cultures of human urothelial cells. Materials and Methods Human urothelial ce
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Employability and Consulting Skills - reflective report Essay
Employability and Consulting Skills - reflective report - Essay Example 6). If urgent feedback from the team members was required, I would have used face to face communication as it is more sufficient and effective. The second important step is to distribute the meeting agenda and the goals of the meeting in advance. As a team leader, I decided to come up with the meeting structure which will clearly stipulate the expected result from the meeting and ways that will be used to make the meeting more productive. Stating the goals of a meeting helps the individuals whom are expected to attend the meeting to know what is expected of them (Enduring Ideas: The 7-S Framework Podcast 2008, p. 8). This will be achieved by the team leader writing the agenda. The third step that a team leader should consider while planning for a meeting to own the meeting and keeping the meeting moving ahead. Productive meetings are as a result of good leadership. As the team leader taking control of the meeting and expressing my intention of making the meeting to keep on moving with successful, timely and with relevant discussions was important. The meeting leader should show the other team members that he values their time during the discussion. He can do this by making sure that there is a clock or a timer that is visible to all those engaged in the meeting (Cross et al 2006, p. 11). The leader should also ensure that the schedule is maintained by ensuring that the topic of discussion is well maintained. So as to get some constructive and positive inputs from the meeting, two way communications was important to me as it helped in raising honest inputs from every team member. Everyone was also given equal opportunity to express their views and to be heard. It was also important for me to avoid emphasizing on my view as this will prevent the group consensus. Failure to build up a group consensus can make the team
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
PhD statement of purpose Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
PhD statement of purpose - Essay Example Together with others in the Society, I research and present papers. I believe myself to be capable of much more, which is why I wish to proceed by following a course of study such as is offered by the Ph.D. Program. There is much that I could contribute to the field of Marketing now and in the future. During my studies in Switzerland, I earned many awards and some of the highest marks. It was not merely these, nor the standing in my class which motivated me, rather, it was the chance to make a tangible difference in my field through writing and research. This is what encouraged and motivated me to study harder, and more importantly, to study smarter. The areas of study, namely tourism, travel the the hospitality industry aroused my interest in all matters concerning the service sector and consumer behavior, which is why my research has continuously focused on all aspects of these topics. I intend to pursue this as far as possible, with a view to applying results to the development of my country's tourist market. I have chosen to study Marketing in the Ph.D. program, which I would prefer to join as soon as possible. My main strengths lie with the mathematical sciences, because I enjoy working with numbers and determining their correct interpretation. I am also interested in related sciences, including marketing. The challenge of systematically collecting, studying and determining logical outcomes is something which has always interested and motivated me. I consider my ability to approach a puzzle or problem and find a rational solution to be a great asset which supports my research capabilities. I enjoy travelling to new places, seeing things that are exotic, which is why travel is very important to me. This is an activity that has given me much pleasure, as well as lessons I would not have learned elsewhere. My initial research experience was in consumer behavior. I learned among others, various marketing concepts to analyze customer behaviour, including relationship marketing, service recovery, value of customer/provider relationships. There is fundamental need to understand the differences between what customers really want and what business currently offer. Customers want a personal connection with the people and the organizations they do business with. This is to ensure that business outcomes are perceived as positive experiences, rather than a mere transaction. The more customers have such experiences in dealing with service providers, the more loyal they become and the more follow-on business they will engage in, in the future. If given the chance to be admitted to the Ph.D. program on Marketing, I shall focus on service sectors. I have made my career goal to be the marketing of tourism for my country, Taiwan. While striving to attain good grades, the patience required for studying, researching, and writing is my best attribute. Even in my younger student days, I was careful to accomplish tasks, which is reflected in my attention to detail and I always adopt a methodical approach to all my work. Should I be given the opportunity to continue studying, I would be able to apply results from earlier research studies, which were carried out by myself, or in collaboration with one of my professors. These research studies were concerned with the airline business, computer and mobile telecommunications marketing and I consider
Monday, October 14, 2019
Swot Analysis and Gatorade Essay Example for Free
Swot Analysis and Gatorade Essay So team physicians got together and determined what exactly was the problem. The athletes suffered from a lack of electrolytes and carbohydrates, which was not being replenished with just water. The group of four physicians blended a drink that had the perfect balance of carbohydrates and electrolytes. The drink would prove to help the Gator football team perform better on the field, so naturally they called the drink â€Å"Gatorade. †What happened next was rather remarkable because the players started performing better. They finished with a record of 7-4 that season and the next season they finished with a record of 9-2, winning the Orange Bowl for the first time in school history. Eventually, the drink moved into the professional leagues and the first team to adopt it was the Kansas City Chiefs. The Chiefs had trouble practicing in the stifling heat of Missouri’s summer afternoons and they kept it on the sidelines the whole year. It resulted in the Chiefs beating the heavily favored Minnesota Vikings in Super Bowl VI. Soon it became popular to have Gatorade on the sidelines and it started the sports drink category. By 1985, Gatorade had expanded its research in sports science by building the Gatorade Sports Science Institute. The Institute allows them to better understand the human body, its needs during the stress of competition and how to improve their products. 1 Product Features Gatorade helps performance in organs such as the kidneys, stomach, lungs, muscles and most importantly the brain. By battling dehydration, Gatorade fights off noticeable thirst, muscle cramps, weakness, decreased performance, nausea, fatigue, headaches and loss of focus. Gatorade’s all-important aspect of hydrating people, has carbohydrates to maintain energy levels during exercise, which water does not. Gatorade has greatly expanded the sports drink category since its conception in 1965 with drinks such as â€Å"Gatorade Rain†, â€Å"Gatorade Fierce†and as seen on the left â€Å"Gatorade G2. †2 Current Branding Strategy †¢ Sports being Gatorade’s biggest focus, they brand themselves as the best sports drink for an athlete trying to reach their peak performance. †¢ They have done this through source credibility, by gathering a group of athletes like Peyton Manning, Dwyane Wade, Derek Jeter, Kevin Garnett and Michael Jordan. All of these athletes are memorable and influential to kids and adults, but Jordan has the most impact. †¢ Jordan probably has the most source credibility of anyone in sports, having him on their side has certainly helped. Michael Jordan, one of the greatest basketball players ev er, certainly helped Gatorade sales with campaigns like â€Å"Be Like, Mike. †Dewyane Wade, a Marquette University alumni, has been with Gatorade since 2005 3 Demographic The demographics of the Gatorade target market are active males, aged 18 to 25. They can be students, just starting their career, or well-established, regardless of status the majority of them believe they are athletic. They grew up idolizing many different sports athletes and teams, which still have an influence. They make a very wide variety of incomes because Gatorade is inexpensive. It could be anywhere from $10,000 to $60,000. Education could vary also, most have at least high school level education and some have college experience. Their attitudes can vary a little, but most of them are competitive, care about sports and enjoy their perspective athletic endeavors. The average customer for Gatorade is about 18-25 These types of consumers may also be interested in other sport-related clothing and accessories. They maybe interested in items such as jerseys, hats, shoes or anything that will show off their allegiance to a team, sport or player. 4 Competition PowerAde is the main competition for Gatorade, others like All Sport exist, but they do not present a challenge to Gatorade. The brand of PowerAde has essentially the same target market as Gatorade; 18 to 24 year old males who are engaged in athletics. However, PowerAde appears to be looking for the trendier types of consumers.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Navajo Life :: Navajo Tribe Native American
The Navajo tribe is the largest Native American group in Arizona. They first descended from the Apaches, who came from the Pueblos, also known as the Anasazi. The Navajo are known for weaving blankets, raising sheep, and generally being a peaceful tribe. Typically, the Navajo tribe was deeply religious, worshiping their common possessions, such as livestock and homes. The Navajo women were primary leaders in society. The typical Navajo's life was a wealth of culture. The Hogan is the traditional dwelling of the Navajo tribe. It was built of poles, bark, and mud, being approximately twenty-three feet in diameter. The doorway opened to the East, so as to welcome the sun, thus providing light. The Hogan was primarily used to prepare meals, sleep, and for shelter from rain. They were also used for healing ceremonies and burying the dead, if one died in a home. These homes were recognized as a symbol of goodness, resulting in being the main topic of spiritual tales. Today, one can observe ancient Hogans in museums of the Navajo. The traditional Hogan was generally a symbol of family life. Sheep were especially important in the culture of the Navajo tribe as they make out on a regular basis. These animals provided wool and food. The Navajo mainly raised Churro sheep, which had to be shorn twice a year. Sheep were also connected with religion, as they were the Navajos holiest possession. The sheep of the Navajo tribe provided a variety of essential needs. The Navajo tribe was particularly famous for weaving blankets. They raised their own materials for weaving such as cotton and sheep, as well as plants for dyeing, like onion and walnuts. As white settlers were traveling through Arizona, they often enjoyed purchasing these blankets. Intricate designs began being woven into the blankets in 1900. By the mid-twentieth century, the Navajo had become world famous for their weaving. The Navajo?s woven blankets were a vital financial resource to their tribe. Women held a significant role in Navajo society. Females were the primary leaders and owned property. When Navajo men married, they would dwell in the homes of his bride?s family. As women held an influential role in Navajo society, the coming of age at thirteen years old for females was celebrated with great parties, honoring the girl.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Macbeths Mistakes in Shakespeares Macbeth Essays -- essays research
Macbeth’s Mistakes At times man is prone to call into states of disillusionment, whether it be their own fault, or that of others, and this may cause them to commit grievous errors. The character of Macbeth suffers from a delusional view of the world. The diluted ways in which he interprets many of the prophecies foretold by the witches brings forth a detrimental effect upon many of his peers and acquaintances and leads him to execute grave mistakes. It is Macbeth’s choice to interpret things in a more literal meaning, rather than a prophetic one, that becomes the downfall of many characters in the story. The meddlesome witches can not be left dry of blame, for it was their prophetic truths that led Macbeth to take such a literal stance on all of the forthcoming prophecies. â€Å"Men at times are masters of their own fates: the fault is not in the stars, but in ourselves.†It is however Macbeth at fault for pushing the prophecies further than fate would take them. At first encounter with the witches, Macbeth is foretold three prophecies. The witches call him Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and king hereafter. Macbeth at first dismisses the prophecies as fantastical. Then thoughts of the greater power seep into Macbeth’s mind. The â€Å"fiends that lie like truth†(Shakespeare) encourage Macbeth’s malice thinking by foretelling the truth that Macbeth does indeed become Thane of Cawdor without any extra effort on his part. Banquo, although at first charmed by the witch’s prophecy for him, tends to eventually dismiss it as a trick by the witches. â€Å"To win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betrays in deepest consequence,†(Shakespeare) Once Macbeth has been named Th... ...y Macbeth, many of Macbeth’s mistakes led him into a delusional state of mind which in turn directed him to commit heinous murders against many characters, including his best friend and his cousin and king. It is evident that Macbeth’s main mistake was taking the witches’ prophecies to literal and listening too closely to his wife. Instead of letting fate run its course, he took it into his own hands, and lost sight of reality on the way. Lady Macbeth also played a big role in his mistakes, because he let him manipulate and persuade him to perform these atrocious tasks all in order to gain power. Works Cited Boyce, Charles. Shakespears A to Z. New York, NY: Roundtable Press, 1990. Foster, Edward e.. Masterplots. Englewood Cliffs: Salem Press Inc., 1949. Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. New York, NY: Washington Square Press, 1992.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Black Men and Public Spaces Essay
The name of the story is Black Men and Public Spaces. It was written by Brent Staples in 1986. Brent Staples is a black man who whenever in public is met with fear from others because of his race’s stereotype. Feeling like a potential perpetrator can be just as unnerving as feeling like a potential victim. Staples has the ability to alter public space by his physical behavior, his dress and his verbal reaction. Black men have a reputation of being rapist, murders and gang members, therefore many people get worried when a young black man is around. So Staples has learned how to change his perception or level of threat to others. He accomplishes this by his physical behavior. The way he walks or acts around others can change there mood. Now Staples notices if people are frightened by him. Brent Staples attempts to introduce people to something most all are guilty of, but pay little attention to. Using accounts from his own and others’ experiences, Staples essay portrays the racist tendency of people to assume black men are potentially violent and dangerous. Stereotypes are so common in our world today and people don’t even notice how bad they portray it. I hate seeing that a man had to force himself to change the way he acts and portrays himself in public. Why should someone change their ways? It made me think of a time when I was getting gas on Green River Road near Washington Avenue. I was almost done when a car with two black men pulled up and stepped out of their car. I was nervous so I stopped and got into my car real quick. Now that I think about it those men weren’t doing anything, just grabbing some late night food. How could I be that bad of a person? I know now that was wrong of me and I’m working on it. I hope someday society will realize what they are doing and change it. Not just for their sake but for mankind. Staples was viewed as a rapist, murder, and etcetera, all because he was a black man. But in reality he was just as uncomfortable as everyone who looked at him differently. Brent Staples tries to make people aware of what they are guilty of and someday all will realize.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
A blow A kiss by Tim Winton
What Of what are individuals identities framed of ? Its It is their house , parents or, religion? ,dDoes it define and shape the action, or the ability of individuals to think , reason and give an opinion . Every individual has a different and unique identity. You may think something is terrible while someone else does not even care and yet another person may laugh, why? The answer is simple, everyone has his own identity and personality. Everyone feels, acts, thinks, and dreams differently. In the short story â€Å"A blow A kiss â€Å"by Tim Winton ,the Australian author identifies the quality of father -son relationships and their responses in situations of stress and emergency . Winton uses conventions and techniques such as narrative structure ,character development and narational commentary in the story to communicate a meaning to the readers . The story also represents how fathers are role models in their son's life and how relationships between different fathers and sons differ , as a result of their identities . Winton starts his story in a country. Where Albie and his father are returning from a fishing trip after losing their salmons . †it did not matter †¦. again â€Å"pg 7 And suddenly on the road, they come across a rider who is injured and drunk . The author suggests the idea of a father and sons typical relationship (gone fishing) using conventions such as timing and placement of events within the narrative. When they come across the rider, Albie is left with the rider . as the injuried man spoke â€Å"oh! oh,Dad I am sorry. Was coming back†pg 9 Albie responses to it by saying â€Å"its alright â€Å"and kisses him on his cheek . The moment of realisation is imposed on Albies expressions . Albie is influenced by this father and tries to comfort the rider . Albie identity is similar to his parents . He treats other people the way he is being treated . On the other hand Beacon and his son have different identities. Both of them drunk and are in a dark part of their life . He scolds his half conscious son for being a coward and insults Albie builds up inside as he felt the rider’s emotions when he thought Albie was ilf Beacon and was crying. Albie felt it was unfair the son wept for his father, and as he is in a critical condition, his father shows no emotions or support. The relationship between Albie and his father is extremely different from to the one of Beacon and his son . Albies dad is a good man who helps the injured rider and seek help upon the accident of the rider and then to follow up by finding. Albie is so content with. He thinks so highly of his father, even more so than God. In contrast Beacon,express emotions through violence and verbal abuse, which is unhealthy for a son to be raised by. He is seen as a male who drinks avoids his family life . Winton construction is shaped through his use of conventions and techniques . He uses narational commentary as seen above and has developed characters . Tim Winton suggest us the ideas about the identities in his short story through comparing two different kind of father -son relationships . The resolution of the story â€Å"sorry about the salmon â€Å"pg 11reminds us that the manhood stays there. And that all our identities get – you need to find and use a better word affected bymy the role models in our life .
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Predestination: Christianity and Romans
Predestination is one of the most widely debated topics in the Christian world among many denominations today. There are many differing views and it is a harder topic to explain and understand. Often this topic is argued by twisting or taking the bible out of context. On the other hand many people truly don’t understand predestination and what it means or what it is. Others don’t want to understand predestination because of their fear that it might be truth. This paper will be outlining predestination and Calvinism by explaining this view as well as taking a deeper look into how Romans & Galatians fits into this view.Predestination has been defined in many ways by the many different denominations. Predestination is ultimately defined in our final destination is decided by God before we were even born. God decides if we are to be saved or not. He has foreordained all things that have come to pass and will continue into the future. It is the act that God chooses those who m he wants to be saved and the rest are left for eternal punishment in hell. This is not because God is unloving but because he is just and righteous. In the end the goal and duty as Christians are to bring glory to God and to evangelize as many as possible.Our concentration should be on Christ. Predestination is divided into two parts: election and reprobation. Election is unconditional and absolute; it is God’s election of man to salvation, not because of man’s works or merit. Election and reprobation have their basis in the good pleasure of God. Reprobation is defined as preterition and condemnation. Preterition is the passing over of some in the decree of election. God owes man nothing but judgment shown in Matt 20:15. God chooses whom he wants and man cannot justly argue against God for passing over him in election, which is God’s choice of condemnation.God’s choice of saving people is the same as God’s choice of the condemnation of others. Co ndemnation is an act of God as a sovereign judge. This condemnation comes from sin, which also damns man to hell. In order for God to be righteous and glorified those who are in sin should be punished. Everything is done for the glory of God 2 Tim 1:9, Heb. 2:10. The fact that some are elected and others are not is explained through God’s glory and sovereignty. Anything that God does is for his glory and this is best demonstrated through his decrees. The decrees of God are his eternal purpose according to the council of His will, where by for His own glory, He hath foreordained what so ever comes to pass†(Shorter Catechism #8). God’s decrees are free, sovereign, absolute, and efficacious. God’s decrees are free in that he moves by his own good pleasure. God’s decrees are sovereign because nothing occurs outside of God’s control or knowledge. God is a God who reigns and is in control and not limited in any way. God’s decrees are absolu te because they are not dependent upon any conditions that are not themselves determined by divine decree.God’s decrees are efficacious in that they infallibly determine the certainty of the future events decreed. These decrees are for God’s glory alone and not all ways for the good of the creature. God’s decrees relate to all events and comprehend all things in heaven and in earth. Therefore His providence is determined through his decrees. Though God’s providence he preserves and directs all his creatures. In the view of predestination God cares especially for his elect. In predestination the more debated topic is that of man’s free will. This free will is the choice that man has to choose God or choose to let the Holy Spirit work.This free will can be defined as freedom of indeterminacy or uncertainty, freedom of self-determination, and the power to contrary choice. Self-determination is directing ones self from the inside with no direction from the outside. The argument against predestination determines that a sinner freely chooses God or rejects Christ. The question of will is not whether man wills or even has a will, but whether God determines their will for good. Likewise the question is not whether a man chooses; but whether his choice has a cause or reason.This choice or lack there of is shown through the fact that man is a slave to sin John 8:34. As a slave to sin can man truly choose that which is good? One example of this is in the truth that God cannot lie. It is against his nature. God does not want to lie, so he cannot lie through his own free will Titus 1:2. Some verses talking about the will of man include John 6:65 which states, â€Å"no one can come to me unless it has been granted to him by the father. †In John 17:12 Jesus says that he has kept all those whom God has given him. According to John 6 man in his free will cannot believe because it is not in his heart to do so.Predestination suggests th at if man can choose God by the free will of his corrupt and perverse heart, it gives him more liberty and power than God himself. There is a barrier that every man cannot over come. That is the barrier of sin. It is not that he doesn’t want to choose God, although that is involved, it is that he cannot come to God, because he does not have the spiritual capacity to change his own heart and deny his own nature. Man always chooses sin and that which is corrupt unless he has a changed heart. Man is full of corruption.Therefore, man’s free will gives man nothing and is not the source of his salvation. The issue comes up that God is not fair and that he is not loving. If God were just and fair all humans would be in hell suffering eternal damnation. Mat 22:14 suggests that many are called but few are chosen. Here is al list of verses supporting predestination: John 8:6-7; Rom 11:5-7; John 6:12, 37-39, 44, 46, 65; John 15:16; John 3:5-7, 19-20; John 15:16-19; 2 Cor 5:14-17; 2 Tim 1:9; Matt. 20:16; John 8:34; Romans 8:6-7; and 2 Tim 2:26. Predestination came about through the works of Calvin, which later was named Calvinism.This view has give major points known in the word Tulip which is total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints. Romans & Galatians include many verses on the subject of Calvinism and many of this view use Romans as one of the most powerful books toward their argument. The first point total depravity is strongly upheld in Romans. This is the total inability of man. Man’s nature is corrupt, perverse, and sinful throughout. The word â€Å"total†in this point refers to the whole man and being are depraved.Man’s nature is sinful because of the sin that Adam committed in the very beginning. We are dead in sin. Man is utterly depraved and cannot come to God on his own accord. This is what Paul was trying to portray to the Romans. Chapter 3 best demonstra tes this truth about man’s state in this world. The first verse in Romans that points to mans sinful nature and inability to accept God is in Rom 1:20 which states, â€Å"For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world in the things that have been made.So they are without excuse. †This verse emphasizes that God has given man enough knowledge about himself through this world and nature to condemn man. This shows that evangelism doesn’t even have to be present for man to be condemned. Humanity was condemned the day it was born. Man is depraved from the heart and cannot come to God unless the Holy Spirit calls him and changes his heart. Chapter 1 also demonstrates the vileness and depravity of the people in Rome.Verses 24-25 say, â€Å"Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exc hanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. †Paul continues this same topic into chapter 2 and 3 of Romans. Verse 6 of chapter 2 says, â€Å"He will render to each one according to his works. †God punishes those whom he wants because He is a just God. This same judgment is taken through verses 12-29. Paul then continues in chapter 3 preaching on the inability of man.This chapter is the strongest support of this point of Calvinism. Verse 9 begins to show that Jews are no better than any other human being. Paul was preaching directly to the Jews telling them that no one is righteous, not even one vs. 10. He continues in vs. 11-12 â€Å"no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one. †There are none righteous in the whole world. The second point of Calvinism is the unconditional election of man. God chooses certain individuals from fallen sinners to receive grace and salvation.God could have saved all men from condemnation or he could have chosen to save none but by his grace he has chosen those whom he wants. This choice was not because of man’s works but instead by the mercy and will of God 1 Thes. 5:9, Eph. 1:5. This point is also shown through Galatians revealing that our salvation is through grace not of works lest any one should boast. In Romans 1 also shows that God passes over some and chooses others. Verse 6 calls the elect the chosen ones of Christ. He chose to give over these Roman sinners to the desires of their heart in order that they may receive their due punishment.God also darkens the hearts of those he chooses. Romans 8:28-30 states, â€Å"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the first-born among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified. †This verse most specifically talks about predestination because it mentions the word as well as how God works in the process of salvation.In these verses we see that God does predestine mankind to be saved or for condemnation. Those he chose he also called. Later in vs. 33 Paul directly references Gods elect. The strongest passage for unconditional election is Romans 9 speaking on the subject of God’s sovereign choice. Paul was taking examples from the Old Testament. Paul calls the elect as the children of promise in vs. 8. God chooses not because of what man did but because of hi own will. Verse 10-24 talks about God’s purpose in election. He chose man before he was even born having done nothing bad or good vs. 1. Verse 13 states that â€Å"Jacob have I loved, but E sau I have hated†. This shows the will and sovereignty of God. Paul continues to emphasize that God is fair and he does what he chooses with whom he chooses. Many suggest that God is not fair and that God is showing favoritism when he chooses some and not others but God himself says in vs. 15 â€Å"I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion. †Romans continues to show that as creator God can do whatever he wants with his creation and creatures.God uses us for specific purposes in this life and we are all apart of God’s plan. It is hard to understand God’s decision to create creatures just for condemnation but this is reality. Romans 9:22 states, â€Å"What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction. †In the end man chooses sin and can only choose sin. Whether or not predestination is true, man goes to hell because of his decision. Some other verses regarding the election are found in Romans 11:5, 7, and 28.The third point in Calvinism is particular redemption known more commonly as limited atonement. This is explained through the work of Christ on the Cross. Christ only atoned for those whom God chose to be saved by grace. Therefore Christ didn’t die for the whole world but instead died for those who were called (the elect). Romans 8:30 also demonstrates this point. Christ’s power on the Cross was eternal. Therefore with this kind of power Christ had to only died for those who God chose and believed in Him because if Christ had redeemed the whole world then the whole world would be blameless before God and saved.If Christ had died for the world then he would have died for those who have already gone to hell. This limits Christ’s power and ultimately makes Christ’s role in this world for sinners meaningless. The fourth point of Calvinism is the efficacious c all of the Holy Spirit also known as irresistible grace. The Holy Spirit uses the gospel to call people to himself and God. He calls the elect from the inside and places a desire for God in their hearts. This call of the Holy Spirit is irresistible meaning that man cannot resist the power of the Holy Spirit.Those who were called by the Spirit were saved by Christ on the Cross and justified in the sight of God. The Holy Spirit is also powerful and his calling is irresistible. Whenever the bible speaks of the calling of God this is reference to the calling of the Holy Spirit. Galatians 1:15-16 states, â€Å"But when he who called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son to me, in order that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately consult with anyone. †Paul constantly suggests that we are called by his Grace.The fifth and final point of Calvinism is the perseverance of the saints. This is the security that believers have in Christ to never fall away f rom the hand and hold of Christ. All believers are eternally secure in Him. No one or nothing can separate God from His elected. We are saints in Gods sight. Romans 8:38-39 proves this point which states, â€Å"For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. This shows that nothing can be taken away from God’s hands or snatched out of His fingers. Christ is powerful and Satan can do nothing against the power of God. This verse specifically names many things and some powerful things but nothing can take believers away from Christ. Believers cannot loose their salvation. If believers could loose their salvation then God is limited and the devil is more powerful than God. This would also negate Jesus and his role on earth. Paul speaks of the righteousness of believers in Christ in Galatians 3.Paul begins to talk about being in the spirit or having salvation and suggesting to them that they are foolish because they are in sin and their fleshly desires are dominating. Paul continues to talk about the promise given to Abraham, which is eternal life. This covenant and promise that believers have in Christ is eternal and not moving or changing. This shows that believers cannot loose their salvation but instead they were not saved in the beginning or they are struggling with their sin. Predestination is clear to some but not to others many also use verses in Romans and Galatians that point away from Calvinism.Romans 5:18-19 states, â€Å"Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men. For as by the ones man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous. †This verse shows that condemnation is for all m en, which is direct and true but then Paul says that Christ’s act on the cross leads to justification and life for all men. If this were true then all men would be saved. Therefore, Paul here is talking about all believers.Romans 10:13-14,17 also states, â€Å"For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. But how are they to call on him whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? So faith comes form hearing, and hearing from the word of Christ. †This verse also shows that those who call on Christ are saved. Many take this verse to mean that humans have a choice to call on God while they are in sin and that this leaves no grounds for unconditional election.Man cannot call unto God unless the Holy Spirit has worked in their hearts so that they no longer are subject to the power of sin and the blindness that comes from sin. Predestination is a powerful view and is debated among many but the most important fact about the Christian life is not the small things of doctrine but instead the Christian duty to go out into the world and preach the Gospel to the nations. Christians are called to serve Christ and build up one another not argue about doctrine. Christ is the most important part of being a Christian and that fact many times is overlooked.
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