
Monday, September 30, 2019

Odyssey and Goddess Calypso Circe

Maddy Evans 5 Paragraph Essay Brain-storming Part I: Separation 1. )Call to Adventure  ·Odysseus must go to Troy to fight in the Trojan War 2. )Refusal of the Call  ·At first he refuses and states that he IS NOT going to war. 3. )Answering the Call  ·Athena tells Odysseus that he should go fight. So he finally decided he was going to.  ·He packed up weapons/food and put together a crew and set sail for Troy. 4. )Supernatural Aid/Guide  ·Athena, throughout, The Odyssey , aids him in his every need. . )Companions  ·Athena (Godley aid)  ·Penelope (Odys' wife)  ·Telemachus (Odys' son) 6. )Crossing the Threshold  ·When Ody Leaves for the Trojan War. 7. )Threshold Guardians Poseidon`s Monster Polyphemus 8. )Entering the belly of the whale Odysseus is the sole survivor of a shipwreck and ends in Calypso's island. Part II: Initiation 1. )Road of Trials 1. Cicones (six men lost from each ship 2. Lotus-eaters (must by force drag the intoxicated men back to boats) 3.Cyclops (l oses 6 men – puts out Polyphemus's eye – taunts the blinded Cyclops) 4. Aeolus (gives sack of winds to Odysseus) Aeolus 2 (pronounces curse on Odysseus after winds let out) 5. Laestrygonians (loses all ships but his own) 6. Circe (men turned to pigs – moly helps him escape her curse – one year in Circe's home) 7. House [Kingdom] of the Dead (sees Tiresias and Achilles his mother [Anticleia], Agamemnon, et al. ) A. Circe 2 8. Sirens (Odysseus listens! ) 9. Scylla and Charybdis (loses six men to Scylla) 10.Cattle of the Sun (loses the rest of his men) 11. Calypso's Isle 2. )Meeting with the Goddess Calypso Circe 3. )Abduction/Night Sea Journey being Captured by Calypso The trip to Hades 4. )Dragon Battle Representing the many hurdles Ody must overcome on his journey home. 5. )Companions In order for Ody to be transformed, he must give up his old life. 6. ) Atonement to/Recognition of the father The end of Odys journey and is the stepping stone that helps hi m take his rightful place as leader in the society. 7. )Ultimate Boom

Sunday, September 29, 2019

God Sees the Truth but Waits Essay

* In the town of Vladimir lived a merchant named Ivan Dmitrich Aksionov along with his family. * One summer, Aksionov planned to go to the Nizhny Fair to sell all his goods but was stopped by his wife who told him to go another day because she had a bad dream about him wherein he took off his cap and his hair was quite gray. * Aksionov did not heed his wife’s plea and continued on to his journey. * When he had reached the halfway point, he met a fellow merchant who he knew and they stayed at the same inn for the night, drinking tea together and sleeping in adjoining rooms. * As it was not his habit to sleep late and wanting to leave before it became too warm, he left the inn before dawn. Rising Action: * When he had gone about 25 miles, he stopped at another inn to rest, have a samovar be heated and for his horses to be fed as well. * Suddenly, a troika drove up to the inn, followed by two soldiers who came to him and asked him who he was, where he came from, where he stayed the night and if he was alone or with a fellow-merchant. * Aksionov found out from the police-officer of the district that the other merchant was found with his throat cut. * The soldiers searched his things and found a blood-stained knife in his bag. * Aksionov was too nervous to answer the police-officer’s questions of why he had the knife in his bag so they assumed that it was guilt and he was taken into their custody and brought to the nearest town to be imprisoned. * Enquiries were done to investigate his character which found him to be a good man but when the trial came on, he was charged with murdering the merchant from Ryazan and robbing him of twenty thousand rubles. * His wife was able to visit him in prison with their children but in the end was also one of the people who suspected him of doing the crime. * Aksionov, feeling that no one believed him, gave up all hope and turned to God and trusted Him with everything. * For 26 years, he lived as a convict in Siberia where his hair became white and his beard grew long, thin and gray. * The prison authorities like him for his meekness and they along with his fellow-prisoners respected him enough to be given the title of â€Å"Grandfather† and â€Å"The Saint†. * One day, a fresh gang of convicts came to the prison and one of them was Makar Semyonich. * After overhearing several conversations, Aksionov was convinced that Semyonich is the man who committed the murder for which he was accused of, causing him to feel anger so great that he longed for vengeance. He prayed and prayed but found no peace from it. * One night, as he was walking about the prison he found out that Semyonich was creating a tunnel with the help of the other prisoners under the shelf by stuffing the earth into their high-boots. * The tunnel was found out by the prison officials and was investigated by the guards and the Governor. All the prisoners who knew would not betray Semyonich for they knew that he would be flogged almost to death. Climax * The Governor, knowing that Aksionov was a just and fair man, turned to him and asked him who dug the hole but Aksionov, even though he wanted revenge against Semyonich, spoke out that it is not his place to speak about the tunnel. Falling Action * That night, Makar, moved by Aksionov’s protection of him, went near him and begged for his forgiveness and revealed the truth to him. * Aksionov forgave Semyonich and while doing so felt his heart grow lighter and the feeling of longing to go home left him. * Makar then told the truth of the murder to the officials but when the order for his release came, Aksionov was already dead.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Is Inheritance Justified Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Is Inheritance Justified - Essay Example This discussion has been very common among scholars, especially philosophers, and economists and some of them have gone to the extent of publishing scholarly works either discrediting or in support of this longtime practice. This paper seeks to dissect this topic from a philosophical perspective- employing ethics and critical thinking- so as establish whether inheritance is a just or unjust practice. In â€Å"Is Inheritance Justified?† Haslett D. W. introduces his work by noting how income is not distributed equally in the United States (Isbister 143). This unequal distribution is, indeed, a problem experienced by all the governments of the world and is a point of concern to every global citizen including myself. So as to address this issue, the government has dished out gifts and introduced the idea of estate taxes to tame the inequality. Haslett contends that giving gifts does not solve the problem because he believes inheritance just worsens the inequality. The question, therefore, is that â€Å"is this skewness brought about by inheritance?† should the unequal distribution of income be a reason to abolish inheritance? I don’t know what other people would say, but I think that would be harsh and would hurt our economy big time. Haslett seems to be a staunch believer in capitalism as a model for economic growth even though he does not demonstrate this. He borrows heavily from the principles of capitalism to support why inheritance should be abolished. According to him, there are three fundamental principles of capitalism that inheritance is inconsistent with. The first principle is that an individual’s income should be commensurate with his productivity, and Haslett firmly believes inheritance does not encourage this. The second ideal, which is also contravened by inheritance, is that people should be given equal opportunities to produce. The third ideal is freedom, that is, people should be allowed to engage in transactions that benefit them so long as

Friday, September 27, 2019

Pick an art work that is influenced by chemistry of physics Term Paper

Pick an art work that is influenced by chemistry of physics - Term Paper Example Quantum Man is a sculpture that was produced by Julian Vos-Andreae in 2009. Quantum Man is a piece of sculpture that was influenced by chemistry of physics. Quantum Man is ten and a half feet high in terms of its elevation and is placed at the center of The Bravern shopping are that is located in Bellevue, Washington D.C. It is one among many of the sculptures produced by the Julian Vos-Andreae that quantum themes. The Quantum Man has a front and back view and appears as a huge hunk of metal that was cut to represent the shape of a man walking. However, when the sculpture is looked from the side, it becomes almost invisible. The effect in Quantum Man is derived from the layers of stainless steel, which are more than 100 sheets that are layered from the front towards the back, and separated by metal rods. Quantum Man appears like a diffraction pattern of a wave. When in motion, a viewer can see the sculpture from the front or back. However, it keeps appearing and disappearing as a vie wer moves. Julian Vos-Andreae sculpted the object in a manner that shows its aesthetic value and ability to show stillness. Julian Vos-Andreae said that, â€Å"...the weirdness of quantum physics...see how far I could get in trying to understand it.†1 The sculpture was intended for metaphorical purposes on the way the complex and counter-intuitive quantum physics could be explored. It is symbolic of the dual face of matter. The Quantum Man presented Julian Vos-Andreae with two challenges. First, he makes a standard representation of classical quantum objects that appear to please in terms of its aesthetics. He has achieved this by sculpting an object that appeals to the eyes of the viewer. The second challenge is the background of physics with which he develops Quantum Man. He uses physics to link the classical representations of quantum objects to certain philosophical interpretations about human body2. The Quantum Man shows that Julian Vos-Andreae to develop an artistic cre ation that depicts a man in the sense of both time and space. The parallel sheets of metal that he used are representative of the wave fronts of a man as he moves forward through space and time. He placed each metal sheet with a definite spacing by connecting them with metal rods irregularly put horizontally and vertically to represent integral formulation of quantum mechanical style. This also helps achieve duality in his sculpture in terms of the true nature that exists underneath the sculpture and the reality as seen by a viewer. He shows that the real human body appears as a static figure (stillness) at any moment in time. Through Quantum Man, Julian Vos-Andreae exemplifies that the human body moves in waves. However, the waves are not perceived in most cases3. Therefore, Julian Vos-Andreae through the Quantum Man emphasizes that human body and everything around it is matter. He clearly exemplifies that every part of matter is considered as a well outlined path through space and time. It also brings forth the notion of continuity. This is seen in the Quantum Man in the sense that it seems to appear, disappear and reappear in different anglers. However, it does not disappear and disappear in real sense. The Quantum Man possesses an equivocal identity where its pieces are considered to be touching each other or appear as separate. However, the pieces do not penetrate through each other. The object shows that objects do not have hard edges or well defined boundaries in places where one piece ends and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Dissertation Weekly Progress Report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Dissertation Weekly Progress Report - Coursework Example The article by Pairavinta & Saebo (2008) explained on how a form of e-governance, the electronic voting system, had supported democracy in 1970 in the US in an â€Å"electronic town hall meeting†. I spent 3 hours reading on Oman’s e-government systems. After having 2 hours of wild goose chase, I landed on material detailing Oman’s progress towards e-governance. The article â€Å"Use and Impact of ICT on SMEs in Oman† by Ashrafi and Murtaza (2008) from Emerald database gave me a relief as it was spot on. This article details the country’s investment in ICT infrastructure and the developments made thus far in establishing e-government systems in Oman. I spent 4 hours writing up the introduction to chapter 1, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. I feel the information covered in these sections is satisfactory but I will evaluate the content covered when I compile the report. I spent the next 6 hours formulating and writing up sections 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6. I knew the research questions determined the direction of the whole project and I took my time in framing these questions. Moreover, I observed great detail in formulating my objectives to ensure complete objectivity, and this part consumed a third of the time. Finally, I wrote up the sections to complete chapter 1. I spent 3 hours reading on various applications of e-government systems. I obtain two articles, â€Å"International Technical Standards for e-Government† by Borra (2004) from Emerald database; and the other, â€Å"Critical Factors in the Adoption and Diffusion of E-government Initiatives in Oman† by Alshihi (2006) from Victoria university database. Borras (2004, pp. 75 – 76), and AlShihi (2006, pp. 8 – 15) articles explain the various transactions that governments engage. They explain that Transactions for e-government may take the form of citizen-to-government (C2G), government-to-business (G2B), government-to-employee (G2E) or government-to-government (G2G) transactions. Al

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How Do Infrastructures Sape Cultures of Consumption Essay

How Do Infrastructures Sape Cultures of Consumption - Essay Example This essay stresses that the government of a country provides Infrastructure Services like Transport, Water & Electricity to promote well being of the citizens and hence will be committed to subsidize the cost to the consumers in order to make them reachable to the most unprivileged in the society. However, it needs to be clearly communicated that Infrastructure Services resulting in consumption of natural resources (like water) that is of utmost environmental importance should not be treated as a product which can be availed as per personal choice without any commitment to the larger community & the environment. The consumers would have to be educated on the bigger picture such that they assume larger accountabilities of preservation of the natural resources thus helping in reducing wastage. This can be done by promoting products & services that help in waste reduction without compromising on the day to day lifestyle goals of the individuals. Moreover the services are allowed to be controlled by non-profit organizations such that the cause of environment protection is higher on agenda than the revenues from services. This paper makes a conclusion that the design of end user utility services in large buildings & households should be done in such a way that manual avenues of saving natural resources (like water) should be provided along with signage or short instructions rather than controlling wastage through automatic means. Human behaviour would override the automatic systems more often thus resulting in more wastage than conservation.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Marketing Plan - Product launch strategy Term Paper

Marketing Plan - Product launch strategy - Term Paper Example Keeping this in view, ENTOUCH telecom has decided to launch electronic online store. This will help the company in the process of attracting and retaining more customers, which in turn will result in increasing the total profits and market share of the company. Background and Relevant Issues: Telecommunication industry is one of the growing industries all over the globe. It has become one of the most profitable and worth investing industry. There is always an increasing need of different products and devices which assist people in the process of communication. Communication has become one of the important needs of the today’s global world. At the same time it is worth considering that there is considerable shift in the shopping behaviour of the customers. More and more people are shifting towards online shopping. Online shopping provides the customers with more convenience and ease. New Service Strategy and Purpose of Strategy: Owing to the increasing trend of online shopping, the company is looking forward to launch a new e-store. This online store will enable the target customers to shop for their favourite telecommunication products over the internet. ... he purpose behind this strategy is to provide the customers with ease and comfort of shopping from home and at the same time increasing the market share of the company. Business Current Offerings: ENTOUCH telecom offers almost everything which is required to make a phone system in an office or at home. There are several corded and cordless digital phones offered by the company for home and business usage. In addition to this, the company offers several telecommunication products and accessories like headphones, headsets, conferencing equipments etc. Products and accessories from the world’s renowned manufacturers are available which includes Plantronics, Sennheiser, Jabra etc. OBJECTIVES: There are several aims and targets of ENTOUCH which it is looking forward to accomplish with the launch of this new service. Five main objectives in this regard are: 1. To increase the sales of the company by 10 percent within the time period of one year. 2. To increase the market share of th e company by 5 percent within the time period of one year. 3. To increase the penetration in the New Zealand market to the level of 60 percent. 4. To enter into international telecommunication market by capturing around 5 percent share in the first year. 5. To improve the market image and reputation. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS: Before entering into any new market segment and introducing any new product or service, it is important to thoroughly analyse the overall situation of the industry and market. It is essential for the organisation to investigate, explore, and analyse both, internal and external, environment. This is the first step in the process of designing effective marketing strategy and plan (Anderson, 1982). Industry Analysis and Key Trends: The overall telecommunication industry is

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Civil War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Civil War - Essay Example The union was, for all practical purposes, largely deceptive and pretentious. The North pretended to give in to the states laws and policies while the southerners merely tolerated them It is against this background that rising discontent due to the biggest issue that divided the country, the issue of slavery, was brought to the forefront. This laid the ground work for one of the most violent moments in the United States of America that would forever remain etched in their history (Hesseltine 44-45). Central to the civil war was the very thorny question of slavery. The Northern states were against slavery while the southern states still owned slaves. This led to rising discontent as neither side was willing to concede to the other. The admission of Missouri into the union was a clear example to the Southerners of the almost condescending nature of the Northern states. The Northerners did not respect the constitutional equality of the states in the union and insisted on the state of Missouri to abolish slavery, eventually reaching a 'compromise'; acting as though the south had no guaranteed rights in the bond of the union. This seeming lordship of the North over the south served to fuel even more, the underlying discontent (Hesseltine 46). The eventual cessation of the southern states thus marked the beginning of the war that would later unfold. South Carolina was the first state to secede adopting its declaration on 24th December 1860. Mississippi was the second state to withdraw from the union, her ordinance of cessation being adopted on the 9th of January 1861.she was followed by Florida on the 10th , Alabama on the 11th, Georgia on the 18th and Louisiana on the 26th; all in the same month of January (Hesseltine 138). Hesseltine points out that the war did not really come to head until the President Lincoln rose to power. The continued use of slave forces especially against the Union brought this issue for discussion at the thirty seventh Congress. The North attempted various measures to end this issue once and for all and reintegrate the south back to the union but this proved futile as the southern states rebelled at whatever suggestion that was put forward to address this issue. The signing of the emancipation proclamation was the straw that broke the camel's back and the stage for the civil war was set (267- 268). The confederates viewed slavery as the cornerstone of the Confederacy while the Northerners viewed it as morally wrong, as all men were created equal. The slavery issue was of great concern because it had implications on the economy of the states. The southerners were concerned with the economic loss that would come about as a result of the abolition of slavery. The slaves provided them with free labor and ensured huge economic gains. Getting rid of them would mean a need for the hiring of waged labor and this would translate to smaller profit margins for them. The southerners were also gravely concerned by the prospect of racial equality. Indeed in the Texas declaration of causes for the Secession it was asserted that the African race was successfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race and thus the proclamation of the blacks as equal men degraded and demoralized the southerners (Hesseltine 269- 270). On April 12th of 1861, the armies linked to the confederates attacked a U.S military

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The First Islamic State under Muhammad (622 - 632) Research Paper

The First Islamic State under Muhammad (622 - 632) - Research Paper Example The first Islamic state has thus been established by Prophet Muhammad based on the Holy Quran and the revelation he got from Almighty God, Allah. This piece of research paper presents a brief note on first Islamic State and described its salient features in comparison to other states and legal systems prevailing in today’s modern world. First Islamic State When prophet Muhammad and his companions faced increased opposition and emigrated to Medina, a small group of early converts to Islam in Medina provided accommodation and welcomed the religious, social and cultural changes perfectly. This is how Islamic State came in to existence (Temperman, p. 19). Islamic state represents a typical government system in which the basic ruling and jurisprudence for all the legal and other matters are Holy Quran, Prophet’s Sunnah (His wordings and activities) and scholars opinions based on the above two. When Prophet Muhammad arrived to Medina, the political, social and cultural enviro nments that had long been considered to be superior were swiftly getting altered. The rules and regulations that most Islamic nations even until today strictly adhere to, the legal notions that many of Muslim lawyers often refer to and the very underpinning business concepts that hundreds of Islamic banks and financing institutions research and develop to improve economies are certainly parts of the religious, political and economic concepts established by Prophet Muhammad. Prophet has emigrated to Medina in 622 and he started his mission and preaching in order to help his companions structure new-life systems according to the new Islamic State. The first Islamic State, constituted by Prophet Muhammad, has put forth a written contract between the state and its members, to show rights, duties and responsibilities between them. This document has been renowned as Al-Watiqua. Al-Watiqua As Berween (2003, p. 103) stated, Al Watiqua is a document that put forward a social contract between all members of the community in Medina between 622 to 632, during the time of Prophet’s mission in Medina. It was the first ‘Human Right Document’ in the history and is the first state constitution written by Prophet Muhammad and by the all representatives different tribes and clans in the region as part of his mission of establishing the first Islamic state. Al-Watiqua was merely a legal document that governed relation between three major political groups in medina that time, namely Al Muhajireen (who are the migrated companions from Mecca), Al-Answar (The residents in medina who believed Islam and helped people from mecca) and Jews and non-Muslims who also were residents of Medina that time. Al-Watiqua document was meant to clear duties, rights and responsibilities of each clan and tribe in Medina as each tribe had its own values, customs, cultural activities and commitments. The major contents of Al-Watiqua document were sovereignty, Unity and Independence. T wo main clauses contained in the document were: 1-It’s a document from Muhammad, to govern the relation between the believers and Muslims of people coming from Mecca and people who were residing in Medina, and those who followed them, 2- They are one community. These two clauses comprise of three basic policies, namely sovereignty, Unit

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Prepositional Phrases Essay Example for Free

Prepositional Phrases Essay Once, there was a little girl named Matilda. Her father worked for an organization concerned with the health of the people, so Matilda was used to traveling all across the city, and all over the world. At age seven, she demonstrated the abilities of an eighteen year old. Being exposed to the kind of work his father had, Matilda had always been filled with concern for those in need.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As Matilda was walking home, she was interrupted by a citizen, who looked familiar to her. She realized that it was her old neighbor, Mrs. Paterson, who left their street three years ago. Matilda remembered her to be a very pretty lady who loved to help other people. Her family was rich, but she opted to live a very simple lifestyle. Unlike before, Mrs. Paterson looked different—her clothes were shabby, her hair was chaotic, and her beautiful face was covered with dirt. Matilda was surprised with what she had seen, and asked Mrs. Paterson about it. Soon, Matilda learned that Mrs. Patersons husband had a gambling problem, causing them to lose all of their wealth. Mrs. Paterson broke into tears telling her that their only daughter, Morgan, who was only three years old, was diagnosed with a rare liver disease that could actually take her life. She had to undergo a new treatment and surgery that was costly for her parents.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Without hesitation, Matilda volunteered to help in order to give Morgan the treatment she needed. She had flyers distributed and posted around the park, and in the different areas in the city. Matilda was very much determined, with her friends doing much of the postings. Unsatisfied with the results, Matilda wrote to the mayor of their city to ask for assistance. The mayor was touched with Matildas kindness, and her story was known by everyone. It was even published in the newspaper, drawing much attention from the whole world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the end, Matilda was able to raise money for Morgans sensitive operation that practically saved her life. Mr. Mrs. Paterson were able to start anew with the money that Matilda had given them. Matilda, on the other hand, was filled with happiness and content for the good deed that she has done. The mayor, and the town, were deeply affected with the kindness that the little girl offered, giving Matilda her own â€Å"Matilda Day†, falling on her birthday. All is well.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Rights and childhood

Rights and childhood Discuss the contribution made by Locke and Rousseau to changing ideas on childcare and education during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The late seventeenth century marked a change in society known as enlightenment. The Puritans had taught the absolute authority of the church and believed children were born sinful. According to E. J. Hundert in Ashcraft (1991) Mercantilist writers believed the working classes were lazy and work shy because of their inherited lazy nature. They did not believe anything could be done to change them. The eighteenth century ushered in new approaches to childhood Cunningham (2006 p102). Growth of industry in England raised it to global dominance, which changed the way children were perceived. The theories of Locke and Rousseau on childcare and education had a major impact on changing attitudes to childcare and education that still impact on how children are viewed in the 21st century. David Archard (2004) says that John Locke and J.J. Rousseau were the first to suggest a manifesto for a child centred education. The debate about the best way to raise and educate children was down to Lockes tabula rasa or Rousseaus idea that children are naturally born innocent. These views were in sharp contrast to the Puritan view. Inborn sin or Godliness were no longer considered factors that shaped individuals. Muller suggests that Locke believed in educating children to help them overcome difficulties they would face in the changing social environment. He saw children as blank slates to be written on to fit them for a good life. This was not actually a new idea according to Cunningham (2006). He tells us that Erasmus had spoken about children being moulded like wax two centuries earlier but this idea still endures to the present time. Locke wrote in his book Some Thoughts on Education (1693: section 54)) that the basis for training good adults was all down to reason; that is sensible thinking based on reasonable logic. He was against the harsh beatings but instead suggested that parents should reason with their children and recognise their needs and interests. Locke believed that a persons character was formed in the early years. According to Archard (2004 p1) Locke denied that knowledge was inborn and learning depended on reason. However, Archard (2004) believes there would be problems trying to teach reason to a blank slate so the child must be born with the instinct to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Cunningham (2006) says Locke believed that the parents should provide the education in the home. It was all down to learning good habits. According to Houswitschaka in Muller, the Lockean childs education was based on learning to think sensibly by being set a good example by parents but he rejected the view that parents owned their children. He did, however, think parents should be Absolute Governors (Cunningham 2006: p110). Learning was based on using logic, we are born with faculties and powers capable of almost anything Locke (Archard p3). Children could experience things during sensory play. Like Piaget, Locke believed that the first learning experiences are linked to the senses and these give the infant the opportunity to develop reasoned thinking. He did not believe in having rules because they stifle freedom of thought. Instead he advocated that good behaviour would be achieved by learning good habits. He was against giving children books with stories that might frighten them. He recommended Aesops Fables as suitable reading material. He thought the wrong books could corrupt children but Cunningham says parents still bought cheap books and enjoyed them as much as children and middle class boys were covertly introduced to books about sex. This would have met with approval by Rousseau but Locke was against any knowledge that might make boys less than perfect. Locke believed there should be a ban on corporal punishment as it trains children to look for things that give pleasure and avoid situations that cause pain. It was better for children to behave because they reasoned that it was the only way forward and they understood why some things were forbidden. However, Cunningham (2006) says that children continued to be beaten during this period but it was less severe so not everyone took notice of Lockes theory. Lockes believed knowledge is cumulative and progressive, the necessity of communication and curiosity about cultural variety Aarsleff (Muller p83). As children will not have time and strength to learn all things, most pains should be taken about that which is most necessary (Ashcroft p452). This has endured today with the National Curriculum being developed. Children should be allowed lots of time to play so that they do not become bored. He said children should be tenderly usedmust play, and have playthings Locke, but parents should take care not to spoil their children by giving them too many toys. Cunningham believes Locke was one of the first to discuss pester power. Toys were to be carefully chosen and given one at a time. Things like smooth stones or keys were all that was needed. The toy should be exchanged before the child got bored. Lockes views on toys were supported by the educationalist Maria Edgeworth the following century. Cunningham (2006) says, however, there is evidence that many toys were commercially produced during this time so not all parents took any notice of Locke. He says there is evidence to suggest that Lockes views actually encouraged toy manufacturers to make more toys though toys like playing cards and jigsaws that taught children about maths and geography were introduced. Using apparatus to help children learn skills are still used as valuable teaching aids. Cunningham says children were given wooden letters to help learn reading. We still use these today. Locke believed children would return to their studies with renewed enthusiasm after a break and schools follow this theory today. Locke believed that education must b e for the good of society as a whole so there was still no complete freedom of thought. Cunningham (2006) also says Locke had some suggestions about childcare. He advocated washing childrens feet in cold water every day and providing them with thin shoes that let in water. This was presumably to toughen them up but Cunningham believes there is little evidence to show many parents followed this recommendation. Today this would be considered neglect. He also had strong views on how children were clothed. Clothing was for warmth not vanity. Allowing children to choose clothes that were considered fashionable was wrong. Rousseau also had some suggestions for parenting skills. He believed children were born innocent and should be raised to be at one with nature. They should not have their innocence tainted by society. They should be allowed to do anything they wanted and to learn from experience. Piaget would support this. Rousseau had an imaginary boy called Emile who broke a window and learnt by experience that this made him cold. Children would soon learn that fire burns. Rousseau tells us that it was common to swaddle babies from birth, man was born free and he is everywhere in chains (Rousseau in Grimsley 1973). They could not use their hands to touch things. Infants were bound so tightly that they could barely breath and it hindered growth and strength. He was concerned that the first feelings an infant experienced were pain and stiffness. It led to infants being frustrated and bad tempered. The pain from trying to move warned them not to try moving. This was unnatural as it stifled natural ins tincts. The practice also enabled women to hang infants out of the way from hooks so that they could get on with other jobs. Today we would consider this practice as abuse. Rich mothers often claimed they were too weak to breast feed their infants and used wet nurses. Rousseau said children needed their mothers care and that there was no substitute for a mothers love. Schaffer conducted research in 1976 and found that children bond to mothers who respond to their needs quickly. Rousseau appears to have discovered this in the eighteenth century. He said the mother should breast-feed the infant. Milk from wet nurses might be in short supply because the lack of feelings for the child would hinder the flow. Rousseau claimed that when the wet nurse left, the mother could not expect the child to suddenly bond with her. The infant death rate could have reduced in the 18th century because more mothers took Rousseaus advice to breast- feed. Rousseau, like Locke, warned mothers against spoiling their children by doing everything for them. This would hinder training them to cope with unexpected dangers in the future. This statement would suggest that mothers did l ove their children even though parenting skills were questionable. It was common practice at the time for the wealthy to send boys to a tutor at age seven to have their heads filled with knowledge (Rousseau). Rousseau advocated that tutors should do the job for the love of it rather than for money. Many would regard this as sensible advice. Education should be natural. Tutors needed to be able to become children themselves, that is, able to relate to the child. The child must be taught as an individual but like Locke, he also advocated teaching skills that are for the common good. Children who were sent away to be educated would return to see the family as strangers. Rousseau, like Locke, believed that parents should teach the young child. Children should have freedom of natural thought. The poor may come to manhood without our help, (Rousseau 1792). Learning could not be speeded up in the same way that learning to walk cannot be hurried. It matters little to me whether my pupil is intended for the army, the church or the law Life is the trade I would teach him. When he leaves me, I grant you, he will be neither a magistrate, a soldier, nor a priest; he will be a man (Rousseau 1762). However, this would only be possible for the rich. Muller says that Rousseau believed pleasant experiences would balance out unpleasant experiences. This would apply to all. Make the citizen good by training and everything else will follow (Rousseau 1792). Grimsley (1973) says that Rousseau believed that education could maintain the original innocence of the child. The teacher should be a facilitator (as in Piagets theory). Like Freud and Piaget, Rousseau thought childhood passed through age related stages and knowledge should not be above the childs grasp. Children should reason their way to their own conclusions. Darling (1994) argues that todays child centred education theory is a result of Rousseaus ideas. We also believe the same theory today that Rousseau advocated in the eighteenth century, that children need good, healthy food, the body must be strong enough to obey the mind (Rousseau 1792 ). He stressed that children should have good hygiene and plenty of exercise. These theories are the same as those promoted today by health professionals. Cunningham (2006) says a number of guides on how to bring up children were published and this could have contributed to the fall in the infant death rate. One thing that would be argued today is Rousseaus thoughts on books. Reading is the curse of childhood (Rousseau). He thought we should not stimulate the imagination because it can lead to unhappiness. The aim in the 21st century is to stimulate children. Cunningham tells us that children were taught from early in the morning until late into the evening. The idea of perfectibility by education marked a crucial change to modern society (Muller p82). According to Cunningham (2006) the changes in how children were reared might have been political because the nation saw itself as free and this would have rubbed off on parents but the teachings of Locke and Rousseau have had a major impact on how children are looked upon in the 21st century. Neither Locke nor Rousseau had first hand experience of raising children and their ideas were very different, yet the ideas were ground breaking. Locke was a bachelor and Rousseau gave away all his children to a foundling hospital. It is universally agreed that children must be educated to be good citizens and the best way to do this is for parents to teach them skills for the good of society. Rousseau saw children as being naturally born free from sin but tainted by society. It is no part of a childs business to know right and wrong Rousseau (Cunningham p114). Rousseaus suggestion of leaving children to find things out for themselves could put children in danger and might be considered child ne glect today but many of his teachings are still followed. Lockes ideas on toughening children up like washing feet in cold water would also be frowned upon. References Archard, D. (2004) 2nd Edition Children: Rights and Childhood, Chapter 1, John Lockes Children, Oxford: Routledge. Ashcraft, R (ed. 1991): Locke: Critical Assessments, The Making of Homo Faber: John Locke between Ideology and History, E. Hundert (pp438-457), London: Routledge. Cunningham, H. (2006) The Invention of Childhood (pp79-130), London: BBC Books Cunningham, H. (2005) 2nd Edition, Children and Childhood in Western Society Since 1500 pp58-72, London: Pearson Education Grimsley, R. (1973) Philosophy of Rousseau (pp45-51), Oxford: Oxford University Press Muller, A. (Ed 2006) Fashioning Childhood in the 18th Century: Age and Identity, Lockes Education or Rousseaus freedom C. Houswitschaka (pp81-88), Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Rousseau J.J. (2007) Emile: Or on Education, Nu Vision Publications: Google Books www.infed.org/thinkers/et-rous.htm (accessed 15.02.2010

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Macbeth Is A Tragic Hero :: essays research papers

Macbeth Is A Tragic Hero One might choose to assent to the statement, "Macbeth is a tragic hero." This conclusion may be based upon certain characteristics , proposed by Aristotle, that warrants him worthy of such a title. Aristotle stated that a tragic hero must be of certain qualities: a man of noble stature, good, though not perfect, have a fall that results from committing an act of injustice, which is his own fault, and receive a punishment that exceeds the crime. A tragic hero is one of noble stature, and is good. Macbeth is known as the Thane of Cawdor. He receives this honor because he has just returned from a military success that has covered him in glory. Macbeth can be considered "good" at the start of the work. He is good, although he is not perfect. He has a good heart and is in a keen state of mind before he hears the witches' prophecy. Macbeth does not begin to become evil until he is convinced to act on the prophecy by Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is the evil one who poisons Macbeth's mind; although, she is only encouraging her husband to do what she feels is in his best interest. The hero's downfall is his own fault, the result of his own free choice, not the result of an accident or fate. An accident and/or fate may be a contributing factor in the hero's downfall, but are not alone responsible. Macbeth's downfall is entirely his fault. He chose to listen to the witches' prophecy. Banquo heard the same prophecy, but chose not to allow himself to be duped. Macbeth could have done the same thing. He, instead, chose to accept the prophecy and act upon it. Macbeth spends most of the play in moral indecision. Lady Macbeth encourages him, but it is he that chooses his actions. A tragic hero's misfortune is not wholly deserved. The punishment exceeds the crime. Macbeth does not totally deserve to die as a result of these incidents. He begins the work as a good man, but later declines because of the desires of his wife, and bad choices. Macbeth does not want to kill anyone, but does it. He is a person of greatness, but is also of weakness.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Why Do Teenagers Smoke :: essays research papers

WHY DO TEENAGERS SMOKE? There is an urgent need to make non-smoking appear cool and desirable. The number of people lighting up is on the rise.In 1986, when the first National Health and Mobility Survey was carried out by the Ministry of Health to find out the number of smokers, the figure stood at 21.5 per cent. However, in the last study published in 1996, the number of smokers rose to 24.8 per cent.Of these figures, those aged between 15 and 24 in 1986 made up 11.5 per cent. In 1996, the age barrier shifted to between 18 and 24. Yet the percentage increased to 33.6 per cent, proving that young smokers are lighting up more, influenced by their elders and trying to fit into the the image of cool as depicted by their movie and music idols. One doesn’t start smoking because of it seductive power. Most beginners do not enjoy their first try but rather suffer a bitter taste, bad smell, a cough and a money lose. One doesn’t feel a high soaring feeling. One actually has to over come this uncomfortable feeling to continue smoking. The reasons to start are mainly social and psychological and are not connected to the enjoyment itself. So the way to deal with it must be educationally and emotionally. Rehabilitation is hard and complex as it creates a physical and emotional dependency. It is much easier to work on avoidance. So we will examine why do youths start smoking. The first feelings are uncomfortable- a bitter taste in the mouth, bad smell and a caugh. What motivates the youth to overcome these feelings, and to continue smoking until their addicted? Some claim that kids slip into smoking out of immaturity or impulsiveness. But even adolescents have some logic which is social and psychological. The addiction is both physical and mental. The body adjusts to the Nicotine and craves it when it’s missed. But the main addiction is mental. The proof is found among Shabbat observers who can abstain from smoking the whole Shabbat. So it mainly depends on the habits a person has. Rehabilitation must include energies such as the Jewish law to restrain habits that have become a person’s second nature. More and more smokers claim they want to quit. In an American poll 70% adolescent smoker claimed they wouldn’t have started if they could choose to again and two thirds want to quit. Most cannot quit. The health ministry’s pole from the beginning of the year showed that 58% of the smokers who tried to quit failed.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Operating Systems :: essays research papers

Retail system management can be an exhausting and daunting task. However, successfully evaluating the efficiency of an organization’s operating system is necessary to ensure a smooth and efficient operating stance for any venturing company. In this example, I will discuss the evaluation of RadioShack’s current operating system—Windows 98.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It seems unbelievable to imagine a company with a reputation for embracing technology to be found running archaic operating systems like Windows 98, but it is true. An e-commerce relic operates Radioshack’s entire point-of-sale and backroom functions. However, if you take into consideration the size of Radioshack’s organization numbering over 8000 stores, it becomes clear as to their motives. An operating system upgrade would be expensive, time-consuming, and risky. In spite of any potential benefits gained, RadioShack has opted to not fix what is not broke.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  RadioShack, as mentioned previously, utilizes Microsoft Windows 98 on all store terminals. Consequently, there are a myriad of applications necessary to maintain store accounting, inventory, and appearance. These applications include an internally developed program call Tag Wizard, an inventory control program, an enterprise solution named ACRWin and RadioShack Online. All of these components are essential to contributing and maintaining the store’s profitability. One element in the decision to not upgrade operating systems is the potential incompatibility of these programs with a newer system. Even one hour of downtime nationwide incurred by such an upgrade could potentially cripple RadioShack's profitability.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Despite this risky conclusion, RadioShack could benefit from the investment of newer technology in a variety of ways.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First, a newer operating system can deliver better access to input and output devices. With barcode scanners, inventory guns, computer demonstrators, and order processes all running as separate entities, a system such as Windows 2000 could integrate the entire package. The days of using one terminal to enter a customer sale, and yet another to create merchandise tags and still yet another to reconcile inventory could be over.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Secondly, an improvement in controlled access to files is needed and a new operating system could deliver this function. Currently, when a RadioShack user logs in to an ACRWin terminal, they have free and complete access to all information. Windows 98 and ACRWin’s inability to mesh with each other allows a user to create the same transaction as a manager. This creates an unacceptable problem. There is little security provided from an unruly employee.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lastly, RadioShack’s current operating system lacks adequate error detection and response.


Sociocultural The article I read was called â€Å"Rich Children and Poor Children are living in different world. What can we do about it? † by Neil O’Brien. The article is about the different life styles of children who grow up in a rich and wealthier family rather than a lower class family. The differences are abundant and it is setting kids up who come from the lower class families up for failure. The children that grow up in the wealthier family are around success their entire lives so based on the sociocultural perspective they are more inclined to be successful and have a want to be successful.Compared to the children that come from a lower class family they are around failure and bad examples, so when they get older it is all they know how to do. It can be argued that it is not the parents fault entirely and plenty of people who come from poverty and lower class families are successful but in reality the number of those people compared to the number of people that do not make it to be successful is not much. The kids are doomed from the start because they do not know how to be successful whereas the children of wealthier families do.The problem stems from their at home lives but it is not the root of it all, kids learn from their environment at school. The children of wealthy families either live in good public school districts or send their kids to good private schools to receive their education. That benefits those children because they are put in a situation where they can be taught by top educators with top of the line books and technology. Whereas the children of poor families live in cheap, affordable neighborhoods that most of the time do not have the best school districts.That sets those children up for failure because they go to a school with less funding, so top qualified teachers are less likely to want to work there, the books are not as up to date, and the technology is not modern. Therefore the children learning at those school s are not getting as strong of an education. What O’Brien is saying in his article is that unfairness of education needs to be fixed and that has been an on-going problem in big cities especially in Chicago.Once that problem is fixed then the children would be one step closer to being on an even playing field and would be more likely to be successful someday. Until then the poor children will just have to make do and hopefully breakthrough the sociocultural perspective that is holding them back. http://blogs. telegraph. co. uk/news/neilobrien1/100156897/rich-children-and-poor-children-are-living-in-different-worlds-what-can-we-do-about-it/

Monday, September 16, 2019

A Tale of an Hour

The cold gray steel of the axe arced one last time through the air, the pick burrowed itself one last time into the frozen blanket of snow, and the hand that held it took a final pull, to ensure a secure placement. After a brief pause, George Mallory took a deep breath, and pulled himself over the crux, and onto the top. Slowly, shakily, he stood up, and took a look around, the first time American eyes had seen the world from this vantage point. This was it. He had done it. He was the first American to ever climb Everest. The sky was a most crystalline blue, and clear too, except for the small puffy white clouds in the distant East. George had the most incredible view ever seen in all directions; he could see for hundreds, probably even a thousand miles. If only others could see this! he said to himself. If only he had brought a camera, not only would he be able to show the human race the true beauty still found in nature, he could prove that he had actually accomplished the feat. Hopefully his friends down below could see him on the top. Mallory briefly thought of waving, but the notion quickly passed when he realized the absoluteness of his fatigue. He was exhausted, plain and simple. Even after deciding against bringing a stove or any other nighttime equipment, his pack still weighed in at about 40 lbs, because of the extra oxygen bottles he picked up from a discarded pile. In fact, George just wanted to sit down. He knew though that if he did, he might never again get up. He did however remove the cumbersome pack and sling it to the icy ground. Digging into the main pouch, George hand unveiled a small American flag attached to an aluminum pole. With the side of his ice axe, he pounded the pole into the crust, forever designating that he had soloed the highest mountain on the planet. This task had taken nearly ten minutes, since every swing of the makeshift hammer was like wielding a twenty-pound maul. He reached for his next oxygen bottle, changed canisters, and took a few deep breaths of the life giving gas. After completing the task, Mallory once again surveyed his surroundings. He stopped when he go to the East. The once distant fluffy white clouds were closer. Much closer. And the innocent white had begun to turn an angry gray. No longer an innocent few, the clouds had grown in numbers, and anvil-shaped thunderheads were rapidly forming. This is not good, he thought to himself. This is very not good. I should get back down to camp six. Maybe even five, if possible. George turned back to the way he came up and began the agonizingly slow descent. Step after step was torture. Knowing he had to hurry was only making his heart pump faster, worsening the situation. Breathing harder and harder, Mallory had to take a few second break after almost every step, until his pulse slowed enough that he could divert a portion of his brain to downward progress. Pick. Step. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Repeat. Sensing the world around him darkening, he looked over his shoulder at the peak. The first cloud had breached the western side of the mountain, his side. This could only mean one thing. Don t look back any more. George made that mental note to himself. A few minutes later, he felt the first snowflake gently brush his cheek. Realizing he had only reached about 27,000 feet, Mallory now knew that he had to move. He quickened his pace, nearly achieving a slow walk. Step. Step. Step. Step. Breathe. Step. St– The old frozen leather tying the crampon to his foot snapped, his foot slid forward, and George was on the move, this time at breakneck pace. On May 2, 1999, Eric Simonson radioed into base camp to report that Dave Hahn, Tap Richards, Jake Norton, Andy Politz, and Conrad Anker had located the body of George Mallory on the side of Mt. Everest, where he perished on June 8th, 1924.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Giant Foods Case Analysis

This case involves convergent technologies, a blending of traditional and cutting-edge business models and an alliance between an established pharmaceutical provider and a fledgling, Information Technology based, Drug marketing firm. Together, these two companies endeavored to create a patient education and prescription drug compliance program by deploying the deep well of customer data acquired by Giant Foods and the proprietary software of Elensys Care services, Inc. Elensys uses information from Giants pharmacy to send personalized letters, written on pharmacy letterhead but often paid for by pharmaceutical companies, that remind customers to refill prescriptions and pitch new products to customers with particular ailments. Giant first tested the feasibility of running a drug compliance program in-house but quickly determined that its’ Information System requirements were too overwhelming and decided to outsource the program to Elensys. However, the backlash to this new initiative was negative and strong as dozens of angry customers called officials at Giant to complain. Privacy specialists said the practice raised new questions about patient confidentiality and also blurs the line between medicine and marketing. â€Å"People assume that their medical information, including prescription information, is held in the strictest confidence,† said Beth Givens, director of the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, a nonprofit consumer group in San Diego. â€Å"When that information is shared with a third party, they're surprised and outraged. This case exemplifies the privacy issues surrounding Giant Food's decision to outsource a prescription drug compliance program to Elensys. Ignoring for a moment the underlying profit motive of this program, approximately half of all patients stop taking their medication within the first six months of being prescribed, compliance programs remind patients to refill their prescriptions and help address a major public health issue. However, these programs also raise privacy issues because they involve the use of sensitive personal information. This case provides business and law students, firms and legislators with an opportunity to assess the privacy issues raised by this situation. The case also provides an opportunity for firms to deal with the challenges of developing a privacy sensitive implementation strategy and CRM programs in general. Background: Giant Foods, Inc. Beginning in February of 1936, Giant Foods was brought to life by N. M. Cohen and Samuel Lehrman. Using the business model of offering a large, self-service grocery store with revenue based on high volume and low prices, the store was an instant success. An innovator from the very start, Giant Foods was the first to install front-end scanners in all its stores, market a private label house brand and the first to hire a consumer advocate to promote its products. Much of the success that Giant has earned is due to technology, innovation and well planned vertical integration. Giant presently operates its own bakery, dairy and soft drink firm. Giant also builds its own stores, produces its commercials and advertising in-house and even makes its own signs. This vertical integration strategy has been highly successful in the food-pharmacy combination with which Giant helped to pioneer. The fact that each Giant pharmacy fills over 1,000 prescriptions per week suggests that this is a profitable tactic and highly regarded by its customers. Elensys: Elensys began its business life in 1993, in Burlington Massachusetts. Its business model was one of an IT enabled information system built as a â€Å"prescription compliance† program between consumers and Pharmacists. Elensys, whose name comes from an ancient Greek city known for medicine and health, was a â€Å"first mover† in this area and, due to strong network effects, was able to reach a critical mass within three years. Initially, Elensys started with four employees and served two local pharmacies. Presently, Elensys receives prescription information from 15,000 pharmacies about millions of people every week, and it uses proprietary, cutting-edge computer equipment to keep track of these records, according to Elensys founder Dan Rubin. In an Internet post, Elensys describes itself as â€Å"the leader in patient behavior modification programs. † Interest in the company has soared, in part because so many people fail to take medicine properly and most chains don't have the technical wherewithal to track customers as precisely as Elensys, Rubin said. Up to half of all patients who should routinely take medicine for such ailments as hypertension or high cholesterol quit prematurely, he said. â€Å"It's the primary reason for our existence. † Much of the cost of the analysis and mailings is offset by payments from drug manufacturers, who contract with pharmacies for the right to mail information to individual customers. Among other things, Rubin said, that material could include suggestions that customers switch from one drug to another. In addition to the customer backlash from this program, many legal issues become prescient due to the ill-defined nature of privacy laws. In a marketing practice that some experts say raises new questions about medical privacy, several large drug store chains and â€Å"thousands† of independent pharmacies have been providing confidential patient information to a Massachusetts database company that profiles and targets patients who don't refill prescriptions. The Washington Post reports Elensys receives prescription information on millions of individuals from 15,000 pharmacies each week, using â€Å"some of the most sophisticated computer equipment available† to profile patients and send them â€Å"educational materials† about drugs available for their conditions. Dr.  George Lundberg, editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association, called the direct marketing tactics, known as â€Å"drug compliance programs,† a â€Å"breach of fundamental medical ethical issues. † He said, â€Å"Do you want †¦ the great computer in the sky to have a computer list of every drug you take, from which can be deduced your likely diseases — and all without your permission? † Elensys describes itself in an Internet posting as â€Å"the leader in patient behavior modification programs† The Boston Globe reported that â€Å"Giant Foods said yesterday it is considering suspending† the practice of sending confidential information to Elensys. Stung by disclosures in the Washington Post, Giant Foods held high-level meetings all day before issuing a statement defending the program and asserting extensive measures were taken to protect confidentiality. † The statement said, â€Å"Giant pharmacies engages in a limited number of programs designed to educate customers about prescription therapy and improve compliance with their drug regimen. These programs in no way compromise the confidentiality of patients. † Elensys backed Giant, defending itself in a statement that emphasized it â€Å"merely served as an agent of Giant, and the chain exerted sole control over the use of information. The Washington Post reported Sunday that officials at Giant defended the marketing program, â€Å"saying customers benefit from their reminders and from the information provided by drug manufacturers. Both companies said they value customer privacy and allow customers to remove themselves from participation by submitting an ‘opt-out' form. † A spokesperson for Giant â€Å"stressed that Elensys does not share its prescription database with third parties,† and Elensys President Daniel Rubin â€Å"said drug companies never get access to the pharmacy's files. Instead, pharmaceutical companies decide which patient groups they want to target and pay Elensys and the pharmacies to mail information to those patients. The Washington Post also reports that the direct marketing is â€Å"part of a far-reaching move by drug manufacturers and pharmacies across the country to make greater use of medical information, new technology and sophisticated marketing techniques to sell more drugs. Rather than promoting their products to doctors,† companies are targeting patients in hopes of influencing them to ask for specific prescriptions. The New York Times reports a parallel trend in which the â€Å"pharmaceutical industry is increasingly marketing mental health drugs directly to consumers. † Manufacturers claim the information is useful to patients, while some doctors and patient advocates contend that â€Å"people with certain mental illnesses are much more susceptible to being manipulated than those with other medical problems. † The Times reports that â€Å"in the most aggressive example of approaching patients directly, Eli Lilly & Company said recently that it would offer scholarships to some schizophrenic patients who took Zyprexa, its new antipsychotic drug. Future problems associated with this new marketing ploy include: The melding of the entrepreneurial ethic, where the goal is to sell a product and the more traditional medical ethic, where the goal is the well-being of the patient. The information could be sold to an insurance company that would then refuse to sell the person insurance or charge them a higher premium. This private information could make its way to head-hunting firms, employers and even divorce courts.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A simple informative essay on child abuse Essay

Child abuse is the controlled acts that result in the physical or emotional damage of children. The term ?child abuse? covers different ranges of behavior, from physical assault by parents or gaurdians to neglecting a child. Child abuse is wrong and God didn?t create children for adults to abuse. They are blessings, not burdens. There is child abuse in the world because of ignorant people who want to feel powerful, so they beat on little kids and these kids think that violence against children is okay because their parents did it to them. They learn the wrong ways to parent a child, and this has to stop. It?s destroying our country. There are four main types of abuse: physical, sexual, emotional abuse and neglect. Neglect is the most popular type of abuse. There are two types of neglect: pysical and emotional. With physical neglect, a parent fails to provide physical things, like food, medical care and shelter. Emotional neglect is when a parent fails to comfort the child or not pay attention to them. This includes being unaffectionate to them or allowing them to use alcohol or drugs. Physical abuse is intentional acts of violence that can injure or even kill children. Signs of physical abuse may include unexplained bruises, burn marks or broken bones. Sexual abuse is when adults use children for sexual satisfaction or force them into sexual activities. It may begin with kissing and/or fondling and progress to more indulging acts, like oral sex or intercourse. Emotional abuse is when an adult destroys a child?s self-esteem. You can do this by repeated verbal abuse in the forms of shouts, threats, humiliating or degrading criticism. Other types of emotional abuse are confinement, like shutting children in a dark closet or basement, and what is called social isolation. Social isolation is like when an adult denies the child to have friends. In 1997, 3 million children in the U.S. were reported as abused or neglected according to the National Center of Child Abuse and Neglect. There is another 1 million children whose cases go unreported. If convicted of child abuse, the abusers could spend up to one month in jail. Not prison, jail. If these people do not go to prison, they should at least spend more than one  month in jail. These people are disturbed if they beat on innocent children. Is is a fact that 2,000 children under the age of 18 are killed by parents or their caregivers and more kids under the age of four die from abuse than falling down, drowning, fires, choking on food or car accidents. 18,000 abused children do not die from the abuse, they suffer permanent disibilites. When the public sees child abuse cases being reported in the news, they assume the abusers are mentally ill but fewer than ten percent of these people have mental disorders which is very sad. These people supposedly love their children, and what do they do to show their love? They batter their children, rape them and make them feel like it is their fault that it happened. It is said that they really love their children, but they have less patience and a less mature attitude than most parents. There is no excuse for mistreating children and society is making excuses saying that there are many reasons why someone would abuse a child. They use stress and being a social outcast as excuses and because of this, we are hurting our country?s future. The consequences of child abuse and neglect can be devastating on a child. The physical injuries can vary from bruises, scrapes, burns, possibly brain damage, permanent disibilities and even death. The psychological injuries of abuse and neglect can sometimes be worse than the physical. They can last a lifetime and can include a low sense of self-worth, a reduced attention span, learning disorders and an inability to realate to their peers. Severe cases of abuse may cause disorders like depression, anxiety, identity crisis and an increased risk of sucide. During the abuse process, the victim may fall into a life of violence and crime. Some children may show no signs of disturbance, and many can cope with their problems. It is said that having a high intelligence, excellent achievement in school, having close personal relationships and not having a temper may help vent all the mistreatment in their life. This is really sad, these children grow up and don?t expose the people who hurt them in their childhood. The abusers walk without any guilt hanging over them and they don?t have to pay the bad deeds that they did. This is the kind of thing that makes people sick when they watch the news and hear about all the abuse. It?s revolting. There are many types of social programs in the United States. Usually the country and state levels of these programs have attempted to reduce and prevent child abuse. There are current approaches to determine who could potentially be at high-risk of being abusers, such as a young, single, first-time mother. These programs provide parent training, counseling, eduation and social support by visiting the home frequently, ecouraging the parent to be involved in the community, since it is less likely for an abuser to be involved with his/her community, and increasing the gaurdian?s knowledge about social services. There is also a program that is for unmarried teenage mothers. It is a home visitation program and these people visit the mother?s home before or when the child is born for two or maybe more years. With all the mother?s in the program, only four percent have gone on to abuse their child. 19 percent of women not in the program abuse their child(ren). Sadly, there are studies that show the more intervention programs a family receives, the more abuse occurs in the family. Many children learn how to be violent from their parents and they grow up and mistreat their own children. With this, the abusive behavior becomes a cycle and is transmitted through the generations. 30 percent of abused kids become abusive parents, but two out of three percent of non-abused children become abusive. Children who experience abuse and violence may adopt this behavior and use it as an example for their own parenting. Thankfully the majority of victims of abuse do not become abusers. Experts believe that later in life, these kids realize their parent?s behavior was wrong. Children who believe that their behavior is what caused the abuse and and deserved it are more likely to become abusive parents than the children who believed their parents were wrong to abuse them.

Friday, September 13, 2019

History, The Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919 Essay

History, The Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919 - Essay Example Nicolson, who was a member of the British delegation to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, offers an important view of the peace process that resulted in the Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919. Significantly, the author deals with the transitional phase between pre-war and post-war diplomacy and throws some light on the Paris Peace Conference. In the book, Nicolson presents his theses in the background of his memory concerning those congested days and offers a convincing explanation of the major consequences of the peace treaty. His main thesis of the book is that â€Å"Given the atmosphere of the time, given the passions aroused in all democracies by four years of war, it would have been impossible even for supermen to devise a peace of moderation and righteousness†¦ All that I hope to suggest is that human error is a permanent and not a periodic factor in history, and that future negotiators will be exposed, however noble their intentions, to futilities of intention and omissio n as grave as any which characterized the Council Five.† (Nicolson, 2001. P. 7-8). Therefore, the recollections of the British diplomat Nicolson in the form of the book Peacemaking 1919 has great relevance in realizing the consequences of the Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919. Similarly, the legendary economist of the 20th century, Maynard John Keynes, offers an essential treatise of social science in the book The Economic Consequences of the Peace. This paper makes a reflective exploration of these two important books about the Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919 in order to summarize the major arguments of the works, placing the works within the historical context of the period in which they were written. The Economic Consequences of the Peace by the legendary economist John Maynard Keynes is generally regarded as the most influential social science treatise of the 20th century, and this

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Policy, politics and public management-A look at the impacts of Essay

Policy, politics and public management-A look at the impacts of judiciary on real estate - Essay Example In the current analysis, residential and open space property in New Jersey classes are grouped together as residential, and commercial, industrial and personal property classes are grouped together as commercial. Statewide, residential new growth accounted for 53 percent of new growth; commercial accounted for 47 percent. These ratios were fairly consistent over the three years. An annual update policy is not appropriate or even possible, in every community. For example, a city or large town with a full-time assessing staff is clearly better equipped and more able to keep assessments up-to-date than a smaller community with a part-time assessment presence. The many technological advances in the tools available to assessors, however, make an annual update policy more attainable in many communities. A number of cities and towns have invested in geographic information systems (GIS) that can quickly bring complex real estate market trends into sharp focus. Powerful PC database and analys is tools have significantly reduced the effort required to perform assessment ratio studies and other analyses necessary to evaluate assessment levels and determine appropriate trending factors. Does a governmental agency's denial of a development permit constitute a "taking" of real property The Supreme Judicial Court recently answered this question in the negative and rejected a propert

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Conclusion of online contract Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Conclusion of online contract - Research Paper Example Nowadays, more and more people turn to online agreements, sometimes even preferring them to the traditional written ones. However, consumers cannot help concerning about the validity of the online contracts versus the common written contracts. Yet, â€Å"Electronic contracts and electronic signatures are just as legal and enforceable as traditional paper contracts signed in ink.†1 This fact was established by the Electronic Signatures in Global and International Commerce Act (ESGICA) in 2000, which has updated the status of online agreements, considering them just as legal and enforceable as the written ones. This topic has been chosen due to the growing popularity of the online agreements among the ordinary users and other interested people. The term paper is focused on revealing the essence of the online agreements. The author believes that such a paper is necessary, because of the ascending number of concluded online agreements. Sometimes, a user is not even aware of the fact that he is binding himself to a contract in the online jungle. The online contracts are mostly governed by the same legal traditional principles as the written contracts, consisting of the same elements. The majority of the electronic agreements is reduced to the click through and click wrap agreements. These types of contracts require that the user should scroll through the terms and conditions on a website and confirm that he or she has accepted the terms and conditions of the agreement by taking some sort of action, such as clicking an "I accept" button or by taking some similar action. It is very often that the enforceability of the forum selection clause in these "click-wrap" agreements is at issue since these clauses may force the plaintiff to bring his or her action in a particular jurisdiction, which may be located far away from the plaintiffs home jurisdiction, in order to settle all disputes. The author intends to

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Tivo Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tivo Case Study - Essay Example They are providing personalized services to their customers who buy the black boxes by providing them Electronic programme guide (EPG) with menu option to watch TV live option having pause, replay and fast forward options without subscription fee and with subscription fee provide access to all previously recorded programming, preview of shows schedule for recording, video magazine produced by Tivo and network of showcases of best shows. It provides customers personalized TV viewing. Though the company is getting good feedback from customers but the sales is not picking up. Presently company is not facing competition from any quarter even then sales are dropping down. Strength: The company have certain inherent strengths such as Tivo is enjoying almost monopoly in the market. It’s nearest competitors like Replay TV has no advantage of product or price or services and Microsoft has not launched the product yet. The company has 42,000 subscribers and increasing 14,000/quarter. So the company have formidable customer base. Report of customers about service and performance of the product is good enough. The company enjoys technically sound product at present and no other competitors have better product right now. The company enjoys the most reliable and effective partners who are well known to everyone and it approves the quality of the product. Company have proper and wide network for marketing its product through electronic stores, online buying. The most important strength of the company is that it provides ability to its customers to decide what to see and when. It almost provides its subscribers to preferential and personalized viewing. Weakness: Tivo is also facing some weaknesses and due to these it cannot be able to improve its position. Though having good feedback company is not growing to its expected level due to lack of awareness of the product to its potential customers. The product seems to be technically

Monday, September 9, 2019

Was the Financial Industry Responsible for the Economic Meltdown of Essay

Was the Financial Industry Responsible for the Economic Meltdown of 2008 - Essay Example Instead, their poor risk management practices are to blame. He however, argues this from the perspective of his financial firm. From this discussion, it will be clear that apart from financial institutions, policy makers also contributed to the financial crisis. It is true that the root cause of this problem was the decline of the housing market, as Bogle and Blankfein note. Bogle is right when he figures out that this problem has roots in the past events, and so its growth was gradual. The most important factor was the Glass-Steagall Act. When the major elements of this act were repealed, the negative consequences started to unfold. This law was enacted in 1933 as a solution to the collapsed banking institutions, after the 1929 financial breakdown. The main act of this law was to protect the deposits of bank customers from investment risks. Separation of investment banks and commercial depository banks during this period also had overwhelming results in the subsequent years. On the negative, this turned banks into financial institutions working for â€Å"agents.† Therefore, since the bank owners were not exposed to any risk, they exercised little caution in their management. Although Blankfein does not directly put the blame on financial bodies for the 2008 financial crisis, he points out that some of their practices were responsible for the economic meltdown. For instance, some financial institutions engaged in too much lending, which in return cheapened credit. In the housing market, this resulted in its growth before plunging into decline. When lending exceeded the appropriate levels, the lending risks became more pronounced and complex. This complexity of instruments made it impossible for them to be sold or bought, hence increasing the effects of the meltdown. This to date remains the causal factor of the financial crisis, and the US government greatly influenced

Sunday, September 8, 2019

How Is the Marketing Concept and Its Implementation Responding To Essay - 2

How Is the Marketing Concept and Its Implementation Responding To Developments in the Macroenvironment - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the conception of marketing is fundamentally explained as an activity for the purpose of generating, communicating, delivering and interchanging certain offerings that possess greater value for the customers, partners, and community among others. The aspect of marketing is generally utilized in order to recognize a particular customer, fulfill the various desires of the customer through offering better quality products along with attaining the expected business objectives. In this connection, the marketing concept depicts that if a business organization desires to fulfill its organizational goals, it is very much essential for the business organization initially to foresee the various sorts of logical requirements and wishes of the customers. The marketing conception can be more elaborately discussed by greatly emphasizing upon two particular imperative facets. The two facets include business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) segments. In terms of the marketing idea regarding business-to-consumer (B2C), the marketing concept is defined as a method through which the business organizations generate greater value towards the customers and tend to establish a smooth relationship with the customers by a large extent. From the perspective of the marketing conception regarding the business-to-consumer (B2C), the marketing idea is described as a procedure through which the business organizations generate superior value along with solutions and also tend to form the effective relationship with other business organizations or brands that are acting as competitors. The business organizations pay utmost importance towards the marketing concept for the purpose of increasing their productivity as well as profitability along with raising higher value towards the shareholders. The aspect of marketing environment is fundamentally viewed as a crucial constituent of a business environment that generally influences th e capabilities of a particular company for the purpose of promoting as well as performing proficient business operations in the financial market.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Senators and Representatives Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Senators and Representatives - Research Paper Example The voters have tended to choose presidential candidates from the said party for three elections already. Apparently, this only gives the impression that the district may well be considered as a bulwark of the Republican Party. The presidential elections since the year 2000 provide figures that proved this conclusion. In 2000, when George W. Bush ran for president, he got 37 percent of the votes. As he continued to banner the war on terror, and riding on the bandwagon effect of the American response to 9/11, President Bush managed to be reelected. The 7th District of Virginia produced 38 percent of its registered voters in favor of the incumbent chief executive. While John McCain was very unpopular in other states, in the district, he and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin were able to obtain a majority of 53.16 percent of the votes (Virginia State Board of Elections, n.d.). This obviously made the tandem win in the district. All these figures only prove how the district’ s population has the tendency to favor one party over the other. The voters in the district also favor congressional candidates who belong to the Republican Party. From January 1971 until the present, the district has always had a Republican congressman. This means that the GOP has been dominant in the counties composing for about four decades already. However, this is not the case when it comes to the voters’ choice of senator. In the 2008 senatorial elections, Sen. Mark Warner, a Democrat, won over Republican James Gilmore III with a huge margin of 88,461 votes. Sen. Warner took 62.25 percent of the total votes (Virginia State Board of Elections, n.d.). In the 2000 elections, however, a Republican, Sen. G.F. Allen won with a great majority also. As the presidential elections would show, it is clear that the 7th district of Virginia leans to the Republicans when it comes to choosing the country’s chief executive. This is the same tendency that is displayed in congress ional elections, particularly when it comes to selecting a representative in the lower house. Its choice for senator, however, has changed only in the last senatorial elections. It remains to be seen whether this signifies a start of a new trend. Rep. Eric Cantor is the district’s congressman. He has been considered as the Republican Party’s fast-rising leaders. Aside from being a lawyer, Rep. Cantor is also a businessman. Prior to being elected a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, he was a member of the state of Virginia’s legislative body. He was first noticed on Virginia’s political scene when he became part of the House of Delegates from 1992 until 2000 (Project Vote Smart, n.d.). In 2000, he was elected as congressman. It did not take long before he immediately became prominent in the halls of Congress. He first became popular among fellow Republicans in Congress which resulted in him being named as chief deputy majority whip for the party in 2002-2006. He later held the position of chief deputy minority whip in 2006-2008. As he became more accepted as a party leader, Rep. Cantor became minority whip for about two years in 2008. This year, his influence became even broader when he became the majority leader of the House of Representatives. Considering his growing influence in the Republican Party, it is only expected that Rep. Cantor’

Effective Study Skills Essay Example for Free

Effective Study Skills Essay Study is the devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic subject and the skills are the ability and capacity acquired through deliberate systematic and sustained effort. For some students the motivation and ability to study comes easily. However for those students for whom it does not it is necessary to develop effective study skills. The aims is to provide the sole foundation of a sound education. These are necessary for the student to realise their full potential and acquire good grades. Without these skills the student would not be aware of their ability to learn in the best way and to maximise this. She states: 1) It is essential to be rested (sleep affects performance) and to sit comfortably. A change of scenery stimulates the brain and helps creative thinking. 2) To be hydrated, drinking water helps the electrical connections of the brain. 3) To be unstressed. When stressed the brain only concentrates on ‘escape’ not on tasks in hand. 4) To enjoy.  5) To learn to see something several times, little and often works better than trying to understand something in one sitting. Cottrell points out that effective study skills are needed to facilitate time management and to meet deadlines. She states spare time must be used effectively to give relaxation time, to rest and enjoy oneself as well as independent study time. According to Cottrell it is essential to learn from one’s own mistakes and feedback which give a way to improve performance and above all else, not to give up. Time management is essential, not giving excessive time to favoured topics rather than those necessary. It is essential to stay on target, stay motivated and not to let things get on top of you, to stay in control and maintain the correct direction of the studies. General tips are to identify the task in hand and work out exactly what is being asked for, setting clear goals and staying focused towards them. To develop the meaning of the task or how things work makes taking in material, reading and retaining the subject matter easier. To find links with the wider world such as the internet and journals helps. Working with others can also help by sharing ideas and getting mutual help. Finally to look for reasonable

Friday, September 6, 2019

Inner Beauty Matters Essay Example for Free

Inner Beauty Matters Essay Inner beauty matters How many times do we see ourselves in the mirror and make negative comments about our looks. I’m not pretty or I’m too fat or I’m too overweight. These are few of the phrases that first come to mind in most girls when they look at themselves in the mirror. Well, 90% of teenage girls do not like the way they look or appear. The reason for that is in our society you get attention from people if you look attractive and stunning. Some girls who are overweight would get negative comments from peers like- ‘That girl is too ugly’ or ‘That girl looks like a bulldozer’. Fat is not something you have, it is something you are. We dont say You have fat, we say, You are fat. We identify with our bodies. So the teenager gets the message that this fatness is badness. Some of the teenagers who don’t accept the way they look, try to change themselves by dieting which leads to illnesses and diseases like anorexia. Dieting is the practice of ingesting food in a regulated fashion to achieve or maintain a controlled weight. In most cases the goal is weight loss in those who are overweight or obese, but some people these days start dieting because they want to change the way they appear to the society. But what really matters in life? An old proverb states, â€Å"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. † Something or someone is beautiful, depending on the perspective of the person looking in. But the major thing that matters is- Is the person good-looking from inside? Because Without a doubt inner beauty lasts forever whereas outer beauty fades. Anyone can fake the outside to make himself or herself look better and pretty but inner beauty cant be faked. For example you could be the most beautiful person in the world but if you have a horrible personality it just makes you ugly. Your body image is how you perceive, think and feel about your body but this may have no link at all on your actual appearance. For instance, it is common in Western nations for women to believe they are larger and fatter than they really are. Only 16% of women are satisfied with their body weight. Our body shape is already decided before we are born. Each one of us is a unique human being with our own genes from our mum and dad. There is only one person in the world shaped like you. Dieting does not change body shape. The distribution of weight on your body is going to stay the same so learn to love who you are. Dieting is not effective dieting changes a persons metabolism so that they are more likely to lose muscle mass than fat. Instead of dieting to look better and attractive, you can exercise, which is the best and safest way to become healthier. Feeling good about your body as it is helps you to maintain a positive outlook in other areas of your life.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

The Hershey Company Is The Largest Chocolate Producer Marketing Essay

The Hershey Company Is The Largest Chocolate Producer Marketing Essay The Hershey Company is the largest chocolate producer in North America and also one of the oldest US manufacturers of chocolate and non-chocolate confectionery and chocolate-related grocery product. The Hershey Company operates in accordance with their mission statement: Undisputed Marketplace Leadership (www.hersheys.com). Among the companys well established brands are  Hersheys Chocolate Bar, Almond Joy, Kit Kat, Hersheys Kisses, Reeses and many others. I shall begin an external analysis with the first element of Porters Five Forces Model: Industry Rivalry. Slow confectionery industry growth increases the intensity of rivalry among numerous competitors. It needs to be mentioned that the stage of confectionery industry life cycle is Maturity stage. These chocolate have been around since a 100 years and most people buying these chocolates are repeat consumers. The Hershey Company holds one of the leading positions in the domestic market, currently having a market share in the U.S. of over 22%. Its biggest rivals in US market are Mars Inc (the leader according to the industrys 2010 results), Kraft Foods and Nestle. As for the global competition, according to the latest results of the confectionery industrys global survey, Hershey Foods Corp. (USA) is number 5 among the top 100 international HERSHEY COMPANY EXTERNAL ANALYSIS confectionery brands rating with 4,881 US($) millions sales volume figure. The main competitors in the global market are Mars Inc (USA), Cadbury Schweppes PLC (UK), Nestlà © SA (Switzerland) and Ferrero SpA (Italy).(The Big Get Bigger, 2011, January 10). Although the Hershey Company has a steady strong presence in the U.S. chocolate and confectionery market, its global position needs to be strengthened and the focus should be kept on the global market. Rapidly developing countries such as China and India have to be Hersheys main targets because even a limited presence in these countries would provide a substantial increase in revenue. Besides it, company cannot duplicate their domestic strategy and expect to be successful. On the contrary they must integrate into each countrys culture and develop an adapted strategy to immerse their brand name into these areas. The next force I need to specify is the Risk of Entry by Potential Competitors force and this risk for chocolate industry is quite low. The reasons of it are significant entry barriers (high production output, large capital requirements, product differentiation, and customer loyalty). These factors deter smaller competitors from entering into the market. (Ellis M., McCants M., Frye N., Miller J., Polk M., Rogers G, 2008, May 22). HERSHEY COMPANY EXTERNAL ANALYSIS The third and one of the most influential in the Hersheys case force is Bargaining Power of Suppliers. Their bargaining power is relatively high because the number of suppliers of the chocolate industry is limited, supplier group is concentrated and there are no substitute products as well. The Hershey Company needs to find alternate (non-West African) locations or different methods for obtaining cocoa beans, because this would allow Hershey to have a secure control over their raw materials. The next force is Bargaining Power of Buyers which can be described as low to moderate. This industry has several large volume retailers that have significant bargaining power. Large volume retailers can bargain for lower prices and reduce the industrys profits, but the differentiated products (with high level of brand identification and customer loyalty among the chocolate consumers) considerably reduce the power of buyers. Finally, the Threat of Substitutes for chocolate industry is moderate. There are numerous substitute products such as alternative cooking flavors (such as vanilla, butter, etc) and non-chocolate snacks (such as ice cream, fruits, etc.). Also there is a threat of unhealthy image of chocolate products among the consumers. Besides Porters Five Forces Model and Industrys Life Cycle I would like to analyze the way demographic, social, or HERSHEY COMPANY EXTERNAL ANALYSIS technological trends have influenced the chocolate confectionery industry. There are some positive and negative socio-cultural and demographic trends that make an influence. Among the positive are: the desire for richer products/changing tastes, joint ventures (i.e. coffee), dark chocolate health benefits and increased importance of holidays. The negative trends are: spreading of allergies, increasing obesity and greater environmental concern. Among the social/political trends a problem of child labour and unfair trade can be named. For example, Hershey has been criticized for not having programs to ensure sustainable and ethical cocoa purchase, lagging behind its competitors in  fair trade  measures. (Hershey Dominates US Market, but Lags Behind Competitors in Avoiding Forced Labor, Trafficking and Child Labor (2010, September 13). The positive technological trends are: technological improvements to milking machines, efficiency improvements for distribution, telecommunications. And the negative technological trends are lack of government support to developing countries (poor education of new technologies) and increased cost of managing the manufacturing technological progress. And I would like to finish this essay with Hershey Company founder Milton Hershey quote about the most distinctive feature of Hersheys products: Give them quality. Thats the best kind of advertising in the world. HERSHEY COMPANY EXTERNAL ANALYSIS REFERANCE LIST Hershey slogan (n.d.) is retrieved from www.hersheys.com The Big Get Bigger (2011, January 10). Retrieved from http://www.candyindustry.com/Articles/Special_Reports/BNP_GUID_9-5-2006_A_10000000000000972812 Ellis M., McCants M., Frye N., Miller J., Polk M., Rogers G, (2008, May 22). The Hershey Company Introducing the World of Chocolate. Retrieved from http://www.washingtoniv.com/?p=65 Hershey Dominates US Market, but Lags Behind Competitors in Avoiding Forced Labor, Trafficking and Child Labor (2010, September 13). Retrieved from http://www.laborrights.org/stop-child-forced-labor/cocoa-campaign/news/12397 Confectionery Company Shares Report (2010), USA. Packaged Food: Euromonitor from trade sources/national statistics.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Do Credit Problems Lead to Bankruptcy Essay -- essays papers

Do Credit Problems Lead to Bankruptcy The reasons we as Americans buy on credit varies, but without it most of us would probably never be able to purchase necessities such as a home or automobile. The nation's economy depends on credit; the promise to pay later for goods and services used today. But along with consumer credit comes consumer debt. With the rise in telemarketing and commercializing in America it is no wonder why Americans feel the impulse to buy now, pay later. The most common form of consumer debt is installment debt, which is when a consumer borrows the money to purchase an item and agrees to repay the loan in equal installments over a fixed period of time. Without installment debt most consumers could not afford to purchase items such as a home. The truth of the matter is that we, as Americans, tend to want to purchase more than we can afford to purchase when we want it. But, we can afford to pay it out, over time, in fixed payments. Mortgages, a debt owed on real property, are the latest form of installment debt. Other forms include automobile loans and credit card purchases. Just pick up the newspaper any time after Christmas and you will find articles on managing your mounting debt from Christmas. Not realizing the extent of the consumers' debt is one of the most common types of credit problems. Denial may play a partial role in this problem, but the lack of education seems to be the largest reason for consumer debt. Cre...